•Chapter 26•

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Shawn Mendes
All of us were nervous to go and visit my parents. I think even Frances was nervous. She was being overly clingy to both Elara and I and would wriggle and whine if we put her down. I had probably sprung the whole meeting the parents ordeal on Elara too quickly. But I couldn't deny that I was overly excited to introduce Elara to them and show off Frances. I just hoped they were accepting and didn't make comments about Elara and I not being in a relationship or how we chose to look after Frances.

I was putting Frances in her car seat when Elara finally came out of the house. She was dressed in a little black skirt, a dark green T-shirt and a black jacket. Her dark hair hit her shoulders perfectly and her makeup looked beautiful. I smiled and she walked over to us looking stressed.
"Hey hey what's wrong?"
"I've still got a bit of baby weight so I couldn't fit into the dress I wanted to wear." She huffed and I held her shoulders.
"Elara, you look beautiful. You truly look beautiful." I said and she gave me a small smile. "You've had a baby only a few months ago and you look great."
"Thank you." She said and I couldn't help but smile as her cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink.
"Right well, we better be off." I sighed and she nodded before jumping in the car.

It didn't take long to get to my parents house but I couldn't wait to get out of the car. Elara's leg didn't stop jittering and she kept biting the skin around her fingernails which was driving me mad.
I knew she was nervous and I understood. But they were my parents and everything would be fine. They had to accept her and Frances. They were my family.
As we got to the house I could tell that Elara was stalling. She was taking extra long to get Frances out of her car seat and fasten up her baby coat. I grabbed the baby bag and kissed Elara's cheek before walking up to the door and ringing the bell.
But as soon as I came face to face with Aaliyah the nerves started to rise in me.
"Hey." I smiled and hugged her tight.
"I'm so happy to see you. Come in!" She said taking a hold of my hand.
"Wait wait. Aaliyah I have someone with me. Well, two people." I said and she frowned. I turned as Elara was walking up to the house, Frances in her arms.
I turned back to Aaliyah who's mouth was hung open.
"Hi." Elara breathed.
"Aaliyah this is Elara, and Frances." I smiled.
"Holy shit." Aaliyah said and covered her mouth with her hands. "Is this, is she yours?"
"She's ours." I said and Aaliyah smiled.
"She's so adorable! And it's so good to meet you." She said and wrapped an arm around Elara's shoulders.
I smiled as Elara wrapped her free arm back around Aaliyah.
I hoped they would get on. If anyone would be the most accepting it would be Aaliyah.
"Well if we go inside you can hold her if you like." Elara smiled.
"Can I?" Aaliyah beamed and Elara giggled.
"Shes your niece."
The two of them laughed together and I smiled, knowing they were going to get on well.

Mum and dad were both sat in the lounge, and I knocked on the doorframe and cleared my throat. They smiled and both stood up.
I hugged each of them tight, feeling so happy to be with them again.
"Before we say anything. I've got some people with me that you have to meet." I said.
"Ok. Friends of yours?" Mum said and I shook my head.
"No. Elara?" I said and spotted Elara coming round the corner with Aaliyah. "Ok. Mum dad, this is Elara."
As she came into the room she smiled at mum and dad and pushed Frances higher up onto her hip.
"And this little one is Frances. Frances is, our daughter." I breathed, looking between Elara, mum and dad.
"Oh my god." Mum said and covered her mouth with her hands.
Dad said nothing and his face didn't change from a blank gaze.
The panic rose in my chest as we all stood in the room not saying anything.
This wasn't how i hoped their first meeting would have gone.

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