Our noses were touching...

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I had breakfast in the room and someone knocked on the door.

Princess Angela: Good morning.

Me: Good morning. I have good news.

Princess Angela: Me too.

Me: You first.

Princess Angela: Nicolas decided to give you a crown.

Me: I know. That was my news, too. He told me that he asked you for permission too.

Princess Angela: Well yes...

Me: You argued with him?

Princess Angela: Let's just say that I have my ways. But whatever I did it worked, right?

Me: He asked me on a date. On a double date. 

Princess Angela: He never liked dates.

Me: It is a double date, with Sir George and his wife.

Princess Angela: Aren't you afraid of Nicolas?

Me: I am not. He can not kill me. 

Princess Angela: I hope so. Lady Berth is very good, I think that you will like her. She is one of the kindest ladies on the court. It is weird that you did not meet her yet.

Me: Nicolas told me that he wanted me to have friends. Is Mariella here?

Princess Angela: No, she went outside.

Me: Do you know her? Like really really know her?

Princess Angela: What do you mean?

Me: What is her story?

Princess Angela: I really do not know. But she would tell you for sure. Maybe she is not ready yet. She will tell you when the time is right. One advice...

Me: Tell me.

Princess Angela: Do not talk to your maid when you are around other ladies. She can not talk to you if you have not said or asked anything. I know that you do not really care what they think of you, but it might be good for later.

Me: Okay. Thank you.

Princess Angela: I have noticed that you do not go out in public often. Does Nicolas not let you?

Me: No... no. I just, I do not know. I like it here.

Princess Angela: Okay. But remember, once you become a queen, you will need to have more interaction with people.

Me: I know.

Princess Angela: Okay, I have to go. Have a nice day... and date.

Me: Oh shut up. I do not want to go.

Princess Angela: But...

Me: But I have to.

Princess Angela: You text me when you finish it, just so I know that you are alive.

Me: Hahaha okay. Bye.

Princess Angela: Bye sweetheart.


Later that day... Nicolas' room...

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