Welcome to Austria

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Etiquette class...

Lady Emilia: This is a duchess slant. Duchess Catherine often uses this pose. It is comfortable and nice looking. 

She was showing me some sitting and standing poses. Seven days into this and I am already bored. 

Lady Emilia: I see that you are not concentrating enough, you should go. Tomorrow we will discuss some dressing rules. You are free. Have a nice day.

Me: You too. Goodbye.

As I was walking down a hallway, I saw Ana and Petra. I wanted to see their class. They needed to learn as many things as I do. As I was approaching the door I heard the queen Elizabeth saying this...

Queen Elizabeth II: You need to remember one thing! She is not your friend anymore. She is your boss and you need to treat her like your queen and not like your friend. 

Petra: Isn't she going to have her maid?

Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, but you are just one rank above her. Don't take your titles as the queen's ladies too serious.  

Petra: But, we are ladies of the court. 

Queen Elizabeth II: You are not. Until you marry someone from king Nicola's court. 

At that point I was furious. They can be my ladies, my friends and my supporters. She can't tell them what to be. I left and went to my room.


A month has passed. I was ready, well quiet.  We got on the plane. I had my friends and grandmother by my side. I was very nervous. And the fact that I am going to meet him at our wedding was scary. Why is the world going this way? 

We landed in Vienna. The weather was awful. The rain was pouring and the wind was blowing.  As we were walking towards the gate one, I saw my future mother-in-law. She looked strict. Her black hair was tied into an updo. She was in her late forties.  She wore a dark red knee-length dress. Her shoes were patent leather, as was her black purse. Her make up was light, but dark enough to see her contours. She was slim and tall. She had a few wrinkles on her forehead and under her eyes. 

Me:  Guten Tag, wir sind so froh...
        (Good afternoon, we are so glad...)

 Grandma hit me in the waist with her elbow and I knew right away that I had broken one rule. Queen always talks first. As she was a queen before, she was first to talk. She just looked at me blindly. She was the only member of the Austrian royal family here. Few bodyguards were standing a few steps away from her. And her ladies were standing just behind her. 

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Let me introduce myself. I am Catherine of Saltzburg, better known as the king's mother.

I bowed down. 

Me: It is a pleasure. I am Princess Sofia. This is my grandmother Pavlina, Countess of Dobrich. 

I knew that I must not introduce my ladies. 

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Welcome to Austria. This is going to be your new home and country. I hope that you are going to be happy here. 

Her attitude towards me was cold. She didn't care a lot about me, nor to my grandmother. 


On our way to the palace, I felt very nervous. As we were approaching it, I saw so many people in front of a tall gate, also some reporters. We didn't even stop in front of the gate.  We hurried into the empty courtyard of the palace. 

It was cold and dark inside the palace. Although there were a lot of pictures and paintings.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: This is Mariella. She is going to be your maid. Mariella, show princess her room.

Mariella: Yes, your majesty, the king's mother. Princess Sofia, follow me.

Long corridors were empty and dark, without a shred of natural light. Few plants were standing in corners. Everything was so dark and sad, like a picture without colours. We passed by a few servants and guards. Everything looked so old and as if it came from the Middle Ages.  We stopped in front of big wooden doors, decorated with bird and leaves drawings. Also, the door frame was made of pure gold. 

When we entered the room I was shocked.


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Lady Emilia- Susan Walters

Catherine of Saltzburg- Courteney Cox

Mariella Koller- McKaley Miller

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