A war?

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The rest of the vacation was good. We went skiing, toured the surrounding towns, we even went camping. It was freezing, but very enjoyable. I learned so many new things about Austria, I also got to know about their culture and tradition better. On our last day, we went to a spa not so far away. It was so relaxing and calming.

On the way home, I remembered that I had not received a single letter from my grandmother. I was a little worried, but again I thought it was stuck somewhere in the carriage. I tried to call her, but she wasn't answering. I called Petra and Ana and asked how they spent days in the palace without me. I also called Mariella.

Me: Hello, Mariella. How are you?

Mariella: Your majesty, we have a problem.

Me: What's wrong?

Mariella: It is about your lady.

Me: Petra or Ana?

Mariella: Ana, your majesty. 

Me: What about her? I just called her and she sounded fine, like always.

Mariella: I think that it is not okay to hear this from me. You need to ask her.

Me: I hope it is nothing very bad. I swear, if she touched royal jewellery and Nicolas' mother caught her, she is in danger!

Mariella: It is way worse than that.

Me: Oh Jesus. I will talk to her as soon as I arrive. Did you receive any letters from my grandmother?

Mariella: Unfortunately, not. Not a single letter. 

Me: Okay. I hope everything is okay. 

Mariella: Did you try calling her?

Me: Yes. She is not answering.

Mariella: I hope that everything is okay. Your majesty?

Me: Yes?

Mariella: I am ready to tell you about my past.

Me: I am so glad that you trust me enough now. I can not wait to hear it. 

Mariella: Okay. I will wait for you in your room.

Me: Okay. Oh, and...

Mariella: Yes, I will make you a hot bath with rose petals.

Me: Thank you!


After a few hours of travelling...

We stopped at the restaurant to have lunch.

 Hostess: Willkommen, haben Sie eine Reservierung?
                  (Welcome, do you have a reservation?)

She looked at her list. 

Hostess: Ähm, Herr? Ich fragte, ob Sie eine Reservierung haben.
              (Um, sir? I asked if you have a reservation.)

She looked at us and eventually bowed down.

Nicolas: Nein, wir haben keine Reservierung.
                (No, we do not have a reservation.)

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