Do you trust me?

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Fresh morning air came in through the open prose, and the sun's rays spilled over the entire room. I had breakfast with Nicolas until his mother came in.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Nicolas! What do you think you are doing?

Nicolas: Excuse me?

Her Majesty, the king's mother: You know what I am talking about!

Nicolas: Please, explain it to me.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: It is her, right? She is guilty!

She pointed at me.

Nicolas: Sofia, please, can you leave us alone?

Me: Of course.

I got up and went out into the hallway. I had to eavesdrop on what they were saying.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Are you queer?

Nicolas: I really do not know what you are talking about.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Leaving the palace?

Nicolas: Is that a crime?

Her Majesty, the king's mother: We have guests! You can not just leave sir George to make deals with kings.

Nicolas: Okay then, we are going to have a meeting with them and make deals. It is not hard.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: That is rude and immature.

Nicolas: Are you done?

Her Majesty, the king's mother: You changed.

Nicolas: I know. I am better now. Thank you. Now, leave. And please, call Sofia in, we did not finish our breakfast yet.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: You can not talk...

Nicolas: I said leave and call Sofia.

Her Majesty, the king's mother: How dare you?

Nicolas: No, how dare you to speak like that to the king?

Her Majesty, the king's mother: Fine!

I heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door. I quickly stepped aside and pretended not to hear anything.

Me: Have a nice day!

She just looked at me with that evil and insidious look. I went inside and finished breakfast. Nicolas didn't say a word. He just told me to dress appropriately because we would have a meeting with King Daniel and Eric.


At the meeting...

Nicolas: So agreed, we will give Norway some Austrian territory and then we will cooperate?

King Eric: Absolutely.

They shook hands.

Nicolas: King Daniel, Sweden wanted Austria to be an export partner, with this contract (he showed him) , it is going to be done, with your and mine signature.

King Daniel: That is not enough.

Everyone looked at him.

Nicolas: Did not I read well? Is there something else on the list?

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