✨Lance Stroll - Coffee Talks

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I was awoken by the soft pitter patters of the rain outside my window. I pick up my phone and check the time. 4:11 am. I feel a pair of arms curling around my waist, making me smile. "What are you doing up so early?" Lance's sleepy voice groaned. "It's raining. Nothing really." I begin playing with his already messy hair. "The rain? Why are you up for the rain? Do you have a tracker for it or something?" he chuckles. "Funny Stroll. Very funny. And no. I just love it. Its therapeutic is it not?"

"I find you therapeutic. Everything about you is relaxing to me. Your eyes, your voice, everything." A blush creeps onto my cheeks. He plants a soft kiss onto my lips amd throws the covers off him. "Where are you going? It's unlike you to get out of bed at this hour." I joke. "I'm opening the curtains and since the sky is a little bright, you will be able to see the rain." He opens the curtains and I can see the silhouette of his figure in the light. He turns back around and smiles. "Coffee?" I nod enthusiasticly. "Yes please babe."He places another kiss on my lips before leaving to retrieve the coffee for us. I sit up and look out the window. It was something else honestly. The world became more beautiful when it rained. I think I liked it so much because it symbolised the world I was living in in a way. It looked beautiful and peaceful but if you were in the raindrops' perspective, it would be chaotic. It was a beautiful mess. You hear a sigh from behind you and spin your head around to see Lance smiling with two mugs of coffee in his hand. "What?"

"You're perfect. That's all. Anyway, here's your coffee." He hands me my cup and takes a sip of his own. "And you couldn't put a shirt or jumper on? I'm not complaining but it's cold so I thought you'd know how to take care of yourself." You blow on your coffee and drink it in sips. He sets his cup to the side. "So you don't like your shredded boyfriend?" Lance says flexing as a joke, earning a laugh from me. "No, no, no. Don't get me wrong I love it like, big fan of the abs, the face, the muscles, the dude down under-" He erupts in laughter. "But I just want you to wear a jumper in case you get cold or spilled the coffee or whatever that's all." I set my attention to the rain outside and then a flash appeared. I flinch slightly to the sudden light. "Oh. It's lightning too." I say leaning back on Lance. He wraps his arm around my chest and stomach and kisses my hair. "You aren't scared of it are you?" I shake my head. "Not since I was seven or something. Are we going to do anything today?" He thinks for a while before answering.

"I want to go to the gym at six. I think I have to go to the factory too. I have a meeting at one. I'll be home for three though and then I'm yours for the rest of the day." A smile forms onto my lips as I nod. "I like the sound of that. Do you want to make breakfast right now then?" He shakes his head lightly. "No. I want to cuddle first. Maybe after my gym session. Is that alright?" I hum a yes. "Can I ask you a question?" he asks. I nod in response. "What came first? The chicken or the egg?" I fall into a fit of laughter. "No I'm serious! Lando text i y to the group chat and it honestly got me thinking." An actual child. People thought he was very serious because of how professional he acted in interviews but his friends and family would tell you different. He was just like any other person his age. "Well, I suppose the egg." Lance pulls a face. "How?" "Because, an embryo could have gotten infected by bacteria to create the chicken and because of how the bacteria reacted to the embryo, it was natural for the chicken to lay an egg." "Could you type that and send it to the group chat. It makes me sound smart."

"You are smart Lance. Don't let anyone tell you different." I begin typing the answer but cut it into sections and add more technicality to it. "Is this okay?" he skims through it for a while and presses send. "That should do. And if you drop soap on the floor, is the floor clean or the soap dirty?" I pace palm. "I don't know but you're gonna find out?" "Why's that?" he smirks. "Because I'm kicking you out of bed." I push in out and he pouts. "Thought you were going to say we were going to do something dirty on the floor but okay." I regret my decision immediately. "No! Come back! We can do that in bed!" He walks out of the room smiling. "Sorry babe, I have to hit the gym, but thanks for the coffee talks." Cheeky shit

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