Preference - Baking

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Max Verstappen
Max doesn't mind baking but it isn't something he would jump up and say. He would wait and would try to put it off for as long as possible before he eventually craves something sweet and agrees to bake. He is into decorating it for some reason. He stays very focused and accurate with everything he does so why would this be any different? The cake usually turns out 9/10 just because eje thinks he could always do something better.

Charles Leclerc
Charles is up for anything as long as he gets to do it with you so obviously he's down for baking. His go to is usually something like pastries because he spent time with his mother baking pastries when he was much younger and he would try to teach you the recipes too. You however are not the best at baking, you're better at cooking so you will try your very best to keep up but you usually end up just eating the pack of cookie dough you were going to use. Charles is a king Baker so his stuff is always a 10 or a 9 at the very least.

Lance Stroll
That man is a mystery. One second he will bake like his life depends on it and the next he just throws things together. On a good day however, he'll make melt in the mouth chocolate fudge cake with some ice cream and fruit and damn it will be the best thing to ever bless your taste buds but somehow when he just throws the same ingredients together it tastes different but still decent enough that you can eat it. 9.5/10

Alexander Albon
Alex is like the head chef. He can cook, bake and make almost anything. You will participate but get bored easy. You're more into the decorating and so he will let you decorate so while you are waiting for that you are ranting and he'll just listen and focus on baking at the same time and then he'll watch your little focused face holding the piping bag with your tongue stuck out in concentration, he finds it cute. So this experience is an 11.

George Russell
George has a bit of a short attention span when it comes to baking so don't wonder how your sweet couple baking session turns into a full on food fight. You'll be rolling out dough or something and he'll lightly throw a bit of flour onto your face, followed by cream and then chaos ensues. You two have only successfully made a cake once and that was for his mother's birthday, he was fully invested in that and the cake turned out phenomenal. If he was that invested all the time you would be eating cakes and baked goods every day of the week. Solid 7/10

Lando Norris
Lando can't bake. That's a fact of life. He will try to do it and try his very best to follow your steps or his mother's steps. When the cake is finished his "canvas" as he calls it, he is impatient about the cake or baked good cooling so he just jumps right in. "We're eating it anyway so what's the difference?" Let's just say, he believes it's a masterpiece and it's alright but it's looks and tastes a bit rushed... He says it's an 11 but in reality it's about a 4.

Pierre Gasly
Neither of you can bake but you will do it anyway. You enjoy cleaning up the mess better than making the mess because making the mess is a lot more stress (look at me Dr Seuss) because you are worrying about putting the right amount of everything in etc. Cleaning is more fun though because you two thgrow on some music and keep it on until the mess is gone.

A/N: Okay I have created the preference of drivers in F2 and f3 with the exception of the f4 driver Paul Aron and the f2 will be up shortly x

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