🎃Logan Sargeant - IT

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Request from f1ismylifelol hope she enjoys it xx

"Oh come on Y/n, I promise its not even that scary of a movie." Logan said pressing play on the film 'IT'. He knew how much you didn't want to watch it but it didn't stop him at all. Logan saw this as an opportunity to make a move, find an excuse to cuddle up to you but he couldn't have been more wrong. "Fine, but can we at least get snacks first?" You asked trying to put the film off for as long as you possibly could. He agreed and off you both ventured to the kitchen to get the desired snacks. Logan basically just grabbed stuff and legged it back to the living room to watch the film which is honestly what you were dreading.

The film starts off pretty light hearted, just a kid with his paper boat but then that fucking clown came along. "Hiya Georgie!" The hell bound monster chirped. You froze in slowly looked away, sinking into Logan's embrace; all to plan. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah fucking fine. Just tell me when he's gone." You just listened in while you waited for the all clear but then a loud chomp tore through the already eery atmosphere making you jump. You repeated curses under your breath until Logan told the clown was gone. You turned back around and tried to at least enjoy the film.

Then the projector scene came on and here ladies and gentleman, is where our story takes a turn for the worst. As the children were finding a way to take down Pennywise, the projector zoomed into one certain picture slide by slide until it revealed Pennywise staring maniacally back. The projector was pushed over and his face was gone, nowhere to be seen. You let your guard down, thinking the horror was over for now. You let out a sigh of relief until a deafening roar broke the silence making you actually jump onto Logan. You heard a howl from beside you and look at Logan. His nose with a dark liquid dribbling out. Oh no... "Can you get off me? The film isn't even that scary!" He chuckles. "How can you be laughing?! I just gave you a nose bleed." You paused the film and turned the lights on and things got much worse than you thought they would be. "Oh shit." You muttered, clasping your hands over your mouth. "That bad, huh?" He once again chuckled. "Maybe. You have a bump on your nose. I think it might be broken." You said. "I guess we should go to the hospital then?" You nodded and off you walked to the car.

"Oh my god Logan. I said lift your head forward. If you put it back, the blood will go down your throat and you'll swallow it and then get sick." He smiled leaning forward again. "Don't crash my car, I beg." He joked. "Rude. I'm a good driver. I'm safe." Logan looked at you by the side of his eye. "Safe? You gave me a nose bleed." He replied. "Well I told you not to watch a scary film with me! Especially with that god forsaken clown!" He laughed which quickly ended as he felt pain in his nose doing so. "We're nearly there. Don't worry." You said out loud. "I'm not worrying." He said. "I wasn't talking about you! I'm worried! What happens if I've ruined your perfect face?" You said. You were completely serious but he took it as a joke, thank god. You didn't exactly want to ruin this friendship you two had over you having a stupid crush.


"We're gonna have to put him on some laugh gas or something. He's rating the pain far too high for us to do anything so we are going to clean out the nose fully and then give him the gas. Do you think you can wait that long Logan?" The doctor asked. "Yeah sure." He replied in a nasally tone. The doctor leaves and the nurse comes in to clean his nose. You sat watching grossed out by the whole process. She fucking scooped the blood out of his nose! How is that normal?! "So how did this happen?" The nurse asked trying to make up conversation. "Scary movie, she jumped and broke my nose." Logan said clenching his eyes. It hurt like hell for him. "Well you sure do have one hell of a girlfriend there." She remarked. "Oh, we aren't- we're just friends." You replied quietly. "Well what's stopping you if I may ask?" You didn't know but Logan sure did. "Well I'd say it's because we can't get halfway through the movie for me to make a move." Your eyes shot open. Did he really just say that? "I'm sure your time will come. We'll, you're all cleaned up. I'll send the doctor back in now." and away she went leaving just Logan and I in an uncomfortable silence.

"Did you mean that?" You asked. He turned his head and looked you up and down before nodding. "I did. Every single word." He replied. "So this was a plan?" He nodded again. "Well that was dumb." His shoulders drooped at your words. "You could have just asked me to go bowling or something. I still would have accepted. It was you after all." It took a minute for your words to register in his brain but when they did, he snapped his head back towards you. "Wait, what?" He asked in disbelief. "Yeah. I like you. I thought it was obvious." You said crossing your arms over your chest. It was freezing. "Really? You actually mean it? You aren't just saying pity words?" You shook your head. "Not at all." The smile returned to his lips as he let out a chuckle. "So does that mean I'm allowed to kiss you?" Wow. Very forward. "If you want." You beckoned you over with his finger and cupped your cheek before bringing you closer and closer until your lips met. Your first kiss together was in a hospital. That's gonna be a story to tell the kids that's for sure.

"Sorry to break up this lovely moment but we need to put you under the gas now." You shot away from each other, both a little flushed and embarrassed. "Uh, yeah. S-sorry." Logan stuttered. It only took a few minutes for him to go loopey and it was honestly beyond hilarious. "Okay but what if, we had animal soccer. Like, imagine an elephant taking a penalty on a giraffe. Do you know how insane that would be? I would watch the heck outta that!" Logan rambled on. Another stupid yet funny idea slipping from his mouth. "That would indeed be a good idea." You smiled. He looked over to you and gasped loudly. "Wow! You're so pretty! Who are you?" He asked. You blushed at the compliment. "I'm your best friend but we kissed just there." You tell him. He scratched the top of his head. "So I haven't asked you to be my girlfriend yet?" You shook your head. "Am I stupid? I think I'm stupid." You held in your laugh as best you could. "Will you be my girlfriend please? I'll give you kisses every morning, breakfast every morning, those wittle waffles with the blueberries on top-" He rbled on. "I don't really like blueberries." You admitted. "Agh! She doesn't like blueberries doctor. What do you like on waffles then?"

"I like strawberries and bananas." You told him. He clicked his fingers and pointed at you. "You got it sweets." He said. "Have I told you I loved you yet?" He continued on. "No, you have not." He gasped again. "What a fucking loser. Oop, sorry. I didnt mean to curse." He whispered the last part. "Come closer!" He whisper shouted. You got closer until he was talking in your ear. "I love youuuu!" He sang. Your heart grew warm and fuzzy. It was adorable. "Am I allowed to sleep? I'm really sleepy." He asked the doctor. "Maybe you could sleep on the way home. He's able to go now." You nodded and helped him out the corridor and to the car. "Can I kiss you?" He asked pretty loudly. "When we get to the car. Until then, you have to be quiet. There are people sleeping Logan." You whispered. "Even babies?" You nodded. "I'm sorry babies!" He yelled. "Logan! Shush! Look, it's your car." You said trying to take his mind of the people he might have been disturbing. "I just wanted to say sorry to the babies. I wanted to be nice." He began crying and couldn't stop.

When you got to the car, you hugged him until he stopped crying and fell asleep. You drove him home and helped him get into bed. You were about to walk away and go sleep in the spare room but he grabbed a hold of your hand and pulled you in beside him. "Logan, what are you-" He patted your hair and shushed you. "I really like your cuddles." and those were the last words he said before drifting off to sleep. You looked at him confused but then smiled before you yourself drifted to sleep in his arms. Well, that was one roller-coaster of a night.

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