🎄Daniel Ricciardo - Snowball Fight

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Dan had been busy since Abu Dhabi. Not only was he moving to the UK, but he was also moving in with you, his girlfriend. "Dan, its fine. Its just snowing." You told him walking down the avenue. "Easy for you to say! You've lived here all your life!" It had been a good year and a bit since you and Dan started dating and he had just moved in with you since he needed to live in England for work almost full time now. "It's just so bloody cold." He muttered again through chattered teeth. "Look, we're nearly home now. Once we get through that door you can just flop on the couch." You said trying to get his mind of the cold. "I want cuddles too then." He added. "You'll get cuddles." You looked at the snow everywhere and had a brilliant idea. "But first," You paused and cupped a handful of snow into your hands, shaping it together to create a ball shape. Then, you threw it at Dan. He shrieked at the sudden cold feeling down his back and head and spin around to see who threw the snowball.

"Was that you?!" A cheeky grin appeared on your face as you shook your head. "Who me? Most definitely not Ricciardo." He squinted his eyes and let a smile appear onto his face as he now followed your action and prepared to launch a Snowball at you. "No, Dan!" You pleaded but it was too late. The cold bit of snow hit you. "I've been hit! I've been hit!" You repeat as you fall down, pretending to die. Dan laughed and jogged over. "You okay babe?" He asked. Aw his accent. You loved his fucking accent but enough of that. Snowball fight! "Dan, come closer." You choked out as if you were dying. "You're a great actress it has to be said." He chuckled. "Oh my god thank you!" You squealed. "I mean-" You let out a few fake coughs which sent Dan into a fit of laughter. "Dan, I don't have much time. I-I fear this is the end." Dan's smile faded away as he now took on his role in this mini drama you created. "No. Don't say that. We can do this together." He said fake crying. "Jesus Dan. You're actually fucking brilliant. Anyway," He smiled.

"Before I go, I just wanted to say-" You paused leaving Dan in suspense. "What?" He asked. "Ho ho motherfucker." And whack! Another Snowball to the head. "Oh! You're gonna pay for that one!" He yelled chasing after you. "Gotta catch me first!" You yelled back. The squeals and laughter from the both of you reached up to the skies. It truly was a moment you'd see in a movie or fanfiction (hehe, breaking the fourth wall wassup). After a good ten or so minutes of this Snowball fight, you were both out of breath and soaked from the snowballs. The pair of you both collapsed onto the soft snow on the ground and let out pants to breathe in more fresh air. "I- I'd say that was a tie." Dan said trough the breaths. "Are you serious? I clearly won that!" You stated. He smiled and climbed on top of you and just gazed down at your beauty. "You know I love you a lot right?" You nodded. "You've said before. I'd love me too honestly."

He chuckled at your witty response and leaned down to press a kiss onto your lips. "That's one way to warm up." You smiled. He nodded in agreement. "Indeed it is." He replied. "And you haven't said it back yet."
"Oh yeah. I love me too."
"Okay, okay. I love you too."
"Much better."

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