🎶Alex Albon - You Are The Reason

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T'ha k you click_TWICE for the request. Hope you enjoy it. Also, please send in requests I'm so bored.

Alex couldn't stop thinking about his breakup with his now ex girlfriend Y/n. He knew he shouldn't have shouted at her or got angry because it wasn't her fault. He spun around in the last corner of the last lap and blew his first formula one win and gave it away to the Mercedes again. She was the reason he did anything at this point. When he kept making mistakes, she was there to hold him and make him feel better and now she was probably at her apartment in London not giving a damn what happens in his race. He missed her, so much in fact that he would climb every mountain, swim every ocean just to try and fix what he had broken.

Y/n was actually doing the opposite. She was in the Mercedes garage with her father Toto watching on in Mercedes gear but wearing her Albon shirt underneath the jacket. She tensed up everytime she saw Alex come on screen. He looked like normal, as if nothing happened between them. Had he moved on that quick? Did she mean that little to him that he didn't care if she was there or not? She kept these thoughts to herself and put on a fake smile as she watched the Mercedes in the front row again.

Alex looked up to the TV and saw Toto and Y/n sitting beside him. He breathed a sigh of relief knowing at least she was there. Christian and other engineers had to pull Alex back into the reality that the race was about to begin and he needed to make his way to the grid and so he did. Y/n watched the Red Bull with the number 23 on it pass by the merc garage and her father saw how hurt she was. He placed his arm around her an dgave her a light squeeze. "It's okay. He mustn't know what he's missing." Y/n smiled and drew her attention back to the Mercedes in front of her. Her dad was right. He made the mistake.

Everyone held their breath as the two Mercedes went head to head into the hairpin and in a second, the Mercedes one two was no more because Lewis had hi ha Valterri. Toto slammed his fist in frustration and let out a curse under his breath. Alex was in p1 now, with Max gaining behind him and Sainz too. Five laps to go. Albon is p1. Four laps to go. Albon is p1. Three laps to go. Albon is p1. Two. Albon is p1. Last lap. Albon is p1. "And Alexander Albon wins his first ever Formula one race!" Y/n held in her little cheer to avoid disrespecting Mercedes. She stayed with her father in the garage as he observed the mechanics. Netflix cameras were rolling his reaction to the incident but he wouldn't give then the light of day for his genuine reaction. He'd wait until he was home with Susie or alone at least.

Y/n was in a deep conversation with Lewis as to what happened during the race but their conversation wa sinterrupted by Toto yelling to someone to get lost. Y/n spun her head around to see Alex coming in with his trophy. "Dad! Don't be so rude!" she warned her dad. "No! He breaks up with you and then-" "He had nothing to do with the Mercedes incident. He did his job as a racer so leave him be for Christ's sake." She turned around and walked over to Alex, pulling him out of the garage. "What the hell do you want?" she asked in a cold tone. He gulped. "I'm sorry about what happened. I really- I'm stupid. That's it. You literally helped me through everything. When people thought I was going to get sacked from Red Bull, you were there. You are the reason that I'm even here holding this trophy. Do you know how much sleep I lost knowing you weren't beside me and y oh weren't coming up back?"

"I don't care. I've wasted enough of my time and effort running after you. You were just angry because you messed up and you couldn't blame anyone other than yourself so you turned on me. I'm not going to stand by and be treated like this Alex. I want us to work but this whole turning on me when you need me most is not an option." She said through a Web of tears. "I was just frustrated. You were trying to say it wasn't my fault." She was fuming now. "Because I had to keep your mind off the accident! I tried helping and you said I knew nothing about f1. My dad is a fucking team principal, I'm in Engineering school, I karted when I was younger. I know a lot more than you know so you need to learn when to shut your mouth and listen!" He grew silent. He knew he was in the wrong so there was no point of him trying to repent what he said.

"I just need you. I'm hopeless without you. If I could, I'd turn back time and ensure you'd never get hurt. I would jump off a cliff if you'd ask me to. Just forgive me please. You don't have to take me back, I just want to at least walk away knowing we left on alright terms." She jumped into him to hug him and she let the tears stream down her face. Alex didn't hesitate to hug her back, dropping his trophy in the process. He didn't care. He had her in his arms and she was the best trophy he could ever ask for.

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