𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒🥀

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I was tapping my thumbs on the steering wheel of my truck while driving to school. Some country song playing quietly on the radio. The streets were filled with people minding their own business and going on with their day. Adults, elders, kids. The traffic was calm and not alot of people on the road. Just the way I like it while driving. The sky was also a clear blue. The scenery made me happy, but I don't want to be going to school. I went to Texas for spring break, and I'm nervous to see my girlfriend Bella.
Bella is an amazing girlfriend, but every now and then I found her cheating on me. She acts like a baby towards me and I let it slide. She is great, but I'm getting tired of the same routine over and over. I was planning on breaking up with her today because I know she had to have done something with Joey Birlem over spring break. I can't change my mind about it. She isn't the best girlfriend for me, so I just need to end things here so I can go on with myself.

I parked my truck in the parking lot and leaned my head against the headrest. Texas was so relaxing. Except for my mom bugging me about planning my future and telling me what's best for me. She likes to take control of everything. Every holiday we celebrated, every birthday party, every outing, every conversation, every day. But other than my controlling mother, there is no drama, no worries. But when I come back to LA, things change. But before I let the universe change things, I have to make the first change happen myself. Which is to cut Bella loose. It will be better for me. And maybe her too.
I grabbed my backpack from the backseat, and climbed out. Trying to think of the changes I could make that might do me some good.
I walked in school, and went straight for my locker. Hoping I wouldn't run into Bella on my way. I opened my locker, which was filled with pictures of my friends and I. Also a few of Bella and I.
???:Hayden! What's up?
I turn around to face my best friend Johnny.
Hayden:Hey, what's good?
We did our "bro handshake"
Johnny:Oh, you know the usual. I went to Toronto for spring break, but then I gotta come back here
Hayden:Yeah, that sucks how you have to come to school here
Johnny:It's for my music, bro. I can do stuff in Canada, but my parents thought I would get more time out here
Hayden:True. Well I went to Texas
Johnny:That's good, how was your mom?
Hayden:Shit, she is a total control freak
Johnny:So the usual
Hayden:What do you think we missed?
Johnny:Well, this morning I heard Bella was hooking up with a bunch of guys over spring break since you were gone
Johnny:Oh, sorry. I thought you were over her
Hayden:I am...it's just I still kinda like her. But I know she is bad for me
???:Who's bad for you?
We see our other best friend Carson come up to us
Carson:Bella issues?
Carson:Just dump her already
Hayden:Don't worry. I'm planning on it
I look at all the pictures of Bella and I in my locker and rip them down. John and Carson just look at me
Hayden:It's time for change
Johnny:Good, because I was getting tired of how needy she was towards you
Carson:Me too. "Oh, Haybear, please hug me"
Johnny:"Haybaby, I want you to kiss me. I'm lonely"
They both laugh
Hayden:Okay, shut the fuck up
I shut my locker and we walk to our biology class


//Hey! I'm Annika, and I'm new to this whole writing thing. So hopefully I don't disappoint anyone with my writing. I'm trying. I hope you enjoy this story, and don't worry. Annie is coming into the story soon. Thank you for reading  ~A♡

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