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I walked back in my dressing room after the show ended and everybody was telling me I did such a good job. I closed the door and sat at my vanity. I need to make things right. I feel so guilty. I hear a knock at my door, and mom and Hayley walk in
I turn to them
Annie:Hi, guys
I stand up and mom hands me a bouquet of roses. I thank her and put them down on my vanity
Hayley:You were incredible, Annie
Katie:I'm so proud of you, you earned it
Annie:Thank you, mom
Katie:We'll be in the car
Annie:Okay, i'll be out there in a second
They left and I changed out of my costume and heels, which were killing my feet. I changed, grabbed my backpack, and bouquet of roses then walked out. As I closed my door, I saw Hayden come out of his dressing room too. We locked eyes, then he walked away.

The play went great. Annie and I pushed back what happened between us and we acted professional with each other. When it was our kissing scene, I saw that Annie had a tear on her cheek. Why was she crying? I wiped it away and kissed her. Her lips felt soft against mine. I pulled away and she opened her eyes. I could see something was wrong in her eyes. It was not a good thing. But once the play ended, I quickly changed and was on my way home. As I left my dressing room, I saw Annie at her door. Backpack on her back and bouquet of roses in her hand. We locked eyes. I wanted to ask her about why she was crying, but I just couldn't face her, we were still fighting...right. I ignored her and walked away. When I got home, it was quiet and empty. It felt different, and not a good or bad different. It was a weird different. A feeling that I didn't know how to react to. I went upstairs and put my stuff down in my room and fell asleep.

When I got home, all I thought about was the fight. I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I had to make things right. I then got a text from Asher
Asher:Hey, I wish you the best for the next few nights of the play. I hope you kill it
Annie:Thank you, Ash
I smile at my phone. At least he texted me

The play nights flew by, and we were now finished the play. It was Friday, and we were going to have a cast party at Lilia's house, so we all went. Hayden even came. I didn't expect him to come. We were partying and talking, until the doorbell rang
Anna:Are we expecting anyone else?
Lilia got up to answer the door. The door opened and a bunch of people barged in. Including the most popular kids in school
Kaylyn:Hey, you didn't think you were gonna have a party without us...did you?
We all looked at each other. And right before us, there was music blasted, people were dancing, and the drinks were being handed out with a keg. A group then formed in the living room. Then the group of people decided it would be a fun idea to play truth or dare. Which wasn't a good idea to join, but Lilia wanted to play. Everybody around me wanted to play, so I decided I would as well. Just so I wouldn't feel left out. We went one by one doing truths and dares. Until Elle asked me
Elle:Annie, truth or dare?
Elle:Are you still a virgin?
Everybody stared at me. Including Hayden. Of course I was a virgin, I'm only 17. Or do people have sex at 17?
Annie:I choose dare
What the hell am I doing? Why would I say dare?
Elle smirks at Kaylyn beside her
Elle:I dare you...to have sex with Hayden upstairs
I looked over at Hayden who looked at me. There was no way that was happening. He hates my guts right now. Hayden and I stood up and we walked upstairs to the guest bedroom in Lilia's house. Where we usually have sleepovers.  He closed the door behind us. We stood there in silence. I knew we wouldn't be able to talk to each other. We just can't right now.
Hayden:Look, let's just go down there and say we did
Annie:But we didn't
Hayden:I know that, but we can't do this
Annie:No kidding
We stood in silence again. I felt a terrible feeling in me that needed to apologize to him. We've been like this for awhile. And I don't want to be like this. He leaned against the door and scrolled through his phone. I sat at the end of the bed and just waited a few minutes. I kept scanning Hayden. He looked older and much taller than when I last saw him four years ago. He now has blonde tips on his curly brown hair. His style hasn't changed much. He still wears skinny jeans and hoodies. Which seems to be his everyday style. Unless he is wearing just a regular t-shirt. I was lost in my thoughts then Hayden snapped me out of it.
Hayden:We should go back down
We walked back downstairs and back to everybody else. Elle just looked at me, but I didn't say anything. She rolled her eyes and whispered to Kaylyn

I walked in the house after the party. It was really late and my mom was standing there, waiting for me with her arms crossed.
Katie:Where have you been?
Annie:I was...at a party
Katie:Julianna Grace! You know you cannot go to parties!
Annie:Why not? It was the after party for the play
Katie:Just...go to your room
Katie:Go to your room! We'll talk in the morning
I walked to my room disappointed in myself that she is mad at me now. I was exhausted. I set my jacket down on my couch, layed down on my bed and looked at my phone. I got a text from Asher
Asher:Hey, I'm so sorry to tell you this, but i'm breaking up with you. I just don't think we can work anymore
What? I started to cry and I just couldn't believe it. We've been together for so long and now he is done? And now my mom and I are in an argument? I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door in my room. It was raining now, and I needed to be somewhere safe.


//I kinda feel like posting a third chapter. Because these chapters are mainly fillers. The third chapter has some tea. But thank you all for reading!
Also idk what's with the font on my last chapter at the end. But ignore it I couldn't fix it.
I'm posting a third chapter now!! ;) ~A♡ \\

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