𝓅𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝓊𝓈🥀

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It was now the morning of opening night, and the theatre group had all day to prepare. We got all of our classes off for the day. I haven't talked to Hayden in a couple of days, but I really hope we can put it behind us for now and be present for the play.

I walked into theatre and was greeted by Lilia
Lilia:Hey, we got our dressing rooms, you wanna see yours?
Annie:Of course
Lilia led me to my dressing room, we walked in and it was super cute. There was a vanity with lights around it and a small couch with a table.
Annie:This dressing room is so cute
Lilia:I know right!
I set my stuff down on the couch
Lilia:You excited for tonight?
Annie:Kinda, i'm mostly nervous
Lilia:You're gonna kill it, I know it
Jayden then comes in
Annie:Hey, Jay
Jayden:Lilia, you have to come and help me. Anna was trying on her costume and got stuck, so we need your help
They said bye to me and left. I was unpacking my stuff, and Lauren Orlando, the costume designer, knocked at my open door
Annie:Hey, Lauren
Lauren:Hey, I'm here to drop off your costume
Annie:Oh, thank you
I get up and Lauren hands me my costume.
Lauren:No problem
She leaves and I hang up my costume on a hook on the wall. I got two dresses for the play, a pink dress that looked really similar to Aurora's iconic dress in the movie, and also a black and brown dress with matching black flats. I also got a pair of pink heels and a crown. Now it was time to try it all on. I texted Jayden to come and help me, and also get a genuine reaction. Right as I put my phone in my back pocket, I see Hayden walk past my dressing room and probably to his. I followed him and knocked on the door. He opens it and sees me
Hayden:I can't talk right now
He was about to close the door, but I slipped through as he closed it.
Annie:You have no other choice
He sits down on the couch in his dressing room and looks at me
Hayden:Why are you here?
Annie:Because I wanted to talk about-
Hayden:How you got my dad arrested? Because trust me, I remember
Annie:Hayden, you know I did it because I care about you
I cross my arms and he stands up and faces me
Hayden:I know that, but what I'm mad about is that you went behind my back and did it without even talking to me first
Annie:But if I talked with you, you would have told me not to and then he would still be here beating you up
Hayden:You don't know what I would have decided
Annie:How so? Because I know i'm right
He rolled his eyes at me
We stood there in silence for a few minutes. I can't believe he is still mad at me.
Annie:Look, we have to go on stage in 6 hours. Can we just put this behind us for now and focus on entertaining the people that came for a good show tonight?
He nods
Hayden:Yeah, I can do that
I walked out of his dressing room and back to mine

The day was very chaotic. Everybody was rushing around and making sure everything was perfect and ready for tonight. There was only half an hour before the curtains opened. And I was nervous. Nervous about the play. Nervous about Hayden. And nervous about the kiss. We have to kiss on stage, and he is still mad at me. I should have never told him. I was finishing up my makeup, and I heard a knock at the door.
Annie:Come in
Jayden walks in
Jayden:Hey, Anns
Jayden:You excited?
Annie:I'm more nervous
Jayden:You'll crush it
Jayden:You know, i'm not so excited to see you kiss Hayden on stage
She crosses her arms as I stand up and slip my black flats on my feet.
Annie:Jay, it's just acting
Jayden:Right, I mean you have a boyfriend. What am I thinking?
I shrug
Jayden:Well, break a leg
She leaves and I'm now thinking about the kiss. Do I have to? It will be so awkward. You know what, i'm just going to do it. Get it over with.

The play started and it went incredibly. Everybody was spot on on their cues and knew the songs. Hayden and I pushed back our feelings and made sure we did a good job on the play. It was towards the end of the play, and I was laying in a bed. It was the kiss scene. I was nervous. And I couldn't even open my eyes. I felt him sit at the side of the bed. He leaned in and I just remembered our fight.

"He's my dad, Annie! Yes he was hurting me, but I didn't want him fucking arrested!"
"He was hurting you, Hayden!"
"How the fuck could you be so clueless?!"
"What was I supposed to do?! Watch as he keeps hitting you until you end up fucking dead on this floor?!"
"I could have handled him!"
"How could you ever think you could win against your dad?"
"But he was all I had, Annie!"
"Yeah, sorry for saving your life"

My heart was beating faster and faster every second. All I saw was black in front of me and I just wanted to make things right again. I felt terrible again. I could feel tears welling up. But I didn't want to let them out. I couldn't stop thinking about the fight. I hurt him. And I don't know how to fix it. I felt a tear on my cheek. Oh, shit! I can't be crying. And I can't wipe it away either. I then felt his thumb brush against my cheek and his presence in front of me, he got closer and his lips were pressed on mine. It was soft and gentle. He pulled away and I opened my eyes.


//How did you guys like this chapter? It was kind of boring because it was a filler chapter, but they kissed for the first time!!! And I'm posting two chapters today! So be ready ~A♡ \\

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