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Hayley, mom and I were setting up the table for dad and his new girlfriend. Hayley and I had to dress nice and act on our best behavior. Which was bullshit. I did not want to see dad's girlfriend, but I knew it would make dad happy for us to meet her.
I grabbed a vase of flowers and set it on the table, I still haven't apologized to mom. I felt guilty, but I didn't do anything wrong, she was just on edge about dad coming, but I just have to get through a few more hours.
We then heard the doorbell, which meant that they were here.
Katie:Annie, can you get the door?
I get the door and when I open it, I see my dad and a skinny blonde woman standing next to him
Billy:Hi...can we come in?
I nod
I led them to the table, where mom and Hayley were already sitting. I sat next to Hayley and they both sat down
Katie:So, how are you Billy?
Billy:I'm great, how are you?
Mom was silent for a few seconds
Katie:I'm fine
It was silent again as we ate. The tension was visible and we could all feel it. Which I could tell made mom uncomfortable.
Billy:Well, I would like all of you to meet my girlfriend, Natalie
Mom shakes her hand and Hayley and I just smile and say "nice to meet you"
Natalie:It's a pleasure to meet you all
She smiled with her fake lips and I knew Hayley could see it too.
Billy:So, what have you girls been up to?
Hayley and I shared a glance, then looked back at dad
Hayley:Um, I joined a dance team
Billy:You did?
Hayley:Yeah, I just wanted to be a part of something that I knew I might love, and so i'm part of a great and talented dance team, who I have made friends with. Also Coco and Txu joined me so we could try something together
Billy:Wow, i'm so proud of you, Hayley. I'm glad you're doing something you love
Hayley:Thank you
Billy:Annie, what's new with you?
Annie:Well, i just finished a school play that I was in
Katie:She played the lead
Billy:That's great
Annie:Thanks, I'm also graduating next week
I nod slowly
Natalie:Billy, you didn't say she was graduating already. I thought she was 14
Billy:I guess you girls are all grown up now, I don't think I'm ready to let you guys go yet
Hayley:That's so sweet, dad
Natalie:So, have you picked out a dress yet?
Annie:Um, not yet
Natalie:Oh! I have a great idea, what if I take you shopping? How does that sound?
I just look at her, what is she trying to do? I don't want to shop with her. I know her backstory, and I am not spending time alone with this woman. She is crazy.
A year ago, Hayley and I were spending a day with dad. He took us to Disney, but when we got there, dad forgot his wallet. So I drove back and got it for him. And when I got to his apartment, I saw Natalie having sex with some guy. He looked like he was in his 20s. I just stood there, shocked. She got herself dressed and threatened me to keep this a secret from my dad. I obeyed, and she kicked me out. And when I drove back, I didn't say a word. I haven't since. Not to anyone.
Now she is trying to be all friendly with me when she knows what I saw. She is probably just buttering me up so I don't tell my dad.
Annie:I already have plans to shop with my friend
Natalie:Oh, ok

The rest of the night went by so slow, we just talked until Natalie had to get home so she could finish up some work stuff. We said bye to them, and dad gave Hayley and I a hug. It was pretty awkward, but we just let him. And they were out the door. I wonder if we are going to have to do that again? I fucking hope not.

A few days have passed, and it was now Wednesday, my class was preparing for our graduation next week, and I was so excited. I was doing some calculus homework with Jayden and Lilia in the courtyard, when Bella Faith and her group walks over to us
Bella:Hi, are you Annie?
Bella:I heard you were the one that forced Hayden to do the play
Annie:What are you talking about? I never forced him, he joined on his own
Bella:Yeah, sure. But everyone thinks you did
I looked around the courtyard and saw everybody looking over at me. What was going on? I needed to talk to Hayden

I was chilling at my locker, when John and Carson came over
Hayden:Hey guys, what's-
Carson:Since when did you join theatre? Is that why you blew us off on Friday?
Hayden:How did you find out about that?
Johnny:Everybody in school is talking about how you were forced to join theatre to ruin your reputation and to sleep with-
He stopped mid-sentence and rubbed the back of his neck. I looked at John confused
Hayden:To sleep with who?
They both exchanged a look that they were hiding something
Hayden:Guys?! Tell me what the fuck is going on right now!
Carson:Everybody thinks that...Annie forced you to join the play, and that it would ruin your reputation and you would have to sleep with her
I looked at them wide-eyed
Hayden:What?! Are you serious?
Johnny:Is that true?
Hayden:Of course it's not
Carson:Are you sure?
A group of people then walked by us and eyed me, I need to talk to Annie right now

I found her at her locker, so I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the janitors closet
Annie:What the-
Hayden:We need to talk
Annie:I agree
Hayden:Did you hear the rumor going around school right now?
Annie:Yeah, I did. Bella confronted me about it earlier
Hayden:Bella did? As in my ex-girlfriend, Bella?
Hayden:Do you think she spread it?
Annie:I don't know
I then started to ramble about who started it
Hayden:Maybe it was, Nadia Turner, she loves spreading gossip, and she is the writer for the gossip column in the school newspaper
I then looked down at Annie, who was just standing there, playing with her fingernails. She needed to tell me something
Hayden:Anns, what's wrong?
Annie:My dad came over a few days ago
Hayden:What? Anns, what happened? Why didn't you tell me?
Annie:It was just awkward, he brought his girlfriend, who's a tall skinny blonde, named Natalie
Hayden:Oh, so is that his type?
Annie:I don't know, but she was all over him when we were talking with my dad. He didn't say anything, but they had to leave early because Natalie had to do something at home. It was a pretty awkward night.
Hayden:Dang, so she isn't a nice woman than?
Annie:No, she isn't. I just felt like she kept throwing daggers at me whenever we made eye contact. It was very uncomfortable
Hayden:I'm so sorry, Anns
Annie:It's fine...I'm fine. Anyway, what should we do about the rumor?
Hayden:I think we should confront everybody and tell the whole school
Hayden:It's almost lunch, so maybe we'll stand in front of everybody and tell people it's just a rumor
Annie:I'm down

It was now lunch, and I was sitting with my friends. They were talking about grad preparation and I was spacing out. I haven't told them about Asher and I's breakup. And I couldn't tell them about what happened between Hayden and I. It was just a lot to think about, plus Hayden and I were going to tell the entire school the truth. To get rid of the rumor.
Jayden:So, Connor slips on the fro-yo that Tati dropped on purpose, and it was the funniest thing
They all laughed
I then got a text from Hayden
Hayden:You ready?
I looked over at a different table and saw Hayden sitting there, ready for us to do this. I text back
Annie:Let's go for it
I nod and we stand up and stand on an empty table. Everybody notices and stops talking. All eyes were on us now, and it was very nerve racking
Hayden:Ok, everybody listen up! We have something important to tell you guys
Annie:What you all are hearing around school, is not true...it's just a stupid rumor
Hayden:Yeah, Annie never forced me, we never did anything, and it was my decision to join theatre
Everybody was just looking at us
Annie:Um, thank you for your time
Hayden:Enjoy the rest of your day
We jumped down and went back to our separate tables. Everybody started talking again, and I sat down at my table
Lilia:What was that for?
Annie:To clear things up, we didn't want that rumor to last any longer
Jayden:So, you guys didn't-
Annie:No, we didn't do anything
Jayden:Oh, ok

After a grad committee meeting, I headed to my car. Once I got in, I couldn't stop thinking about Hayden and I. We really have been through so much, but I don't know what is to come for us. We had sex and haven't talked about it since. Now we're acting like best friends again. How do we just do that and forget to talk about it? This is all so confusing.
I needed to do something...that I might regret. But I just had to do it. I started my car and drove off.

When I got there, I sat on the other side of the glass, and grabbed the phone. He sat across from me and grabbed the other phone.He glared at me
Jimmy:What are you doing here?
Annie:I just needed to clear things up
Jimmy:Clear things up? That sounds familiar
Jimmy:What did you want to tell me?
Annie:Look, I hurt Hayden by sending you to jail
Jimmy:Oh, so you were the one who sent me away
Annie:Yes, and I kind of regret it
Jimmy:How so?
Annie:You are his father, and I was careless and sent you away from him
Annie:Yes, i'm sorry. But you were hurting him
Jimmy:I was just angry
Annie:Many, many, many times?
I raised my eyebrow at him and he just rolled his eyes
Jimmy:Look, you want my boy to not hate you?
I looked at him, not saying a word. Until he told me something so crazy and intense that I didn't know what to say. But I told him "yes." As long as he doesn't continue anything. Which he just smirked in return.
Oh no. What am I getting myself into?


//This chapter was filled with drama. This book is almost done, I just don't know how many chapters left. But enjoy these ones, new chapter coming soon ;) ~A♡ \\

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