𝒽𝑒'𝓈 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈🥀

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A few weeks have passed, and we have done so much in theatre. Hannah was jealous of me and got casted as Maleficent. But I didn't care, I couldn't let her get in my ear about anything. Everyone was still shocked that Hayden was playing a lead role in his first year in theatre. I was kind of proud of him. When I asked him about auditions, it seemed like he didn't want the role, but after a few days, he got used to the role and liked it. Him and I had to rehearse together a few times, and it made my friends overprotective of me because they still think Hayden is a bad person. But we have grown to appreciate each other. But we have made progress through these past couple weeks. The sets are starting to be built and everyone is starting to memorize their lines already. I have already memorized all of mine.
Miss F called Hayden and I up for our dance scene.
Miss F:We're going to rehearse the dancing scene. The steps are not hard at all
We both nod
Miss F:Now, Hayden, put your hand up like this, and the other on her waist
Hayden followed her instructions and it felt awkward for us to be like this, but I just thought to myself. "It's just for the play"
Miss F:Annie, put your hand in Hayden's, and the other on his shoulder
I followed her orders, and Miss F then instructed us on the steps. They were pretty easy, but Hayden and I kept locking eyes.
Twenty minutes later, and I finished rehearsing with Hayden, jumped off the stage and grabbed my water bottle from my bag, when Jayden came over to me
Annie:Hey, Jay
She crosses her arms
Jayden:I'm still not sure about him
Jayden:He's changed. And in a bad way
Annie:How has he changed?
Jayden:He used to be so open and bubbly and talkative. Now he is dark and quiet and closed-in
I looked over where Hayden usually sits and he was scrolling through is phone
Annie:I don't see him that way
Jayden:He is totally like that. I mean when he is on stage, he is playing the part and singing the part, but when he is off it, he is quiet and mysterious
Annie:You're crazy
Miss F:Lilia, Anna, Jayden! Let's rehearse one of your scenes
Jayden joins all of them on stage and I go and sit with Hayden
Annie:You're...a great dancer
Hayden:I mean, those steps were pretty easy. So, I wouldn't call myself great
I just sat there silent
Hayden:Thanks, you too
I smiled at him
Annie:Have you memorized all of your lines yet?
Hayden:Not all of them
Annie:Want me to help you? I mean I helped all of my friends with theirs
Hayden:Why not?

We rehearsed and rehearsed for days on end. Until it was the end of April. With our play in mid May, we were pretty much ready for opening night. The only part we haven't rehearsed was the kiss, so Hayden and I decided to talk with Miss F. We stayed after rehearsal and went up to her
Annie:Miss F?
She turned to us
Miss F:How can I help you guys?
Hayden:We wanted to talk to you about...the kiss scene
Miss F then smiled at us
Miss F:I know what you're going to say
Annie:You do?
Miss F:You want to not include the kiss scene
Hayden and I look at each other then back at Miss F
Annie:How did you know?
Miss F:I just knew. But I'm sorry, I don't want to cut the kiss scene. It won't follow the storyline.
We just nod.
Hayden:We understand
Annie:Are we going to have any rehearsals for it?
Miss F:No, I want it to be real when you do it on stage. So, it's in the moment
Hayden:Oh, ok
Annie:Thanks, anyway Miss F
We leave the theatre.
Hayden:Well, that was a bust
Annie:I guess we're gonna have to...kiss
Hayden:I guess so
Annie:I'll see you later
I walked to the courtyard to find my friends

A couple weeks later, Hayden and I talked with Miss F about rehearsals about the kiss, but she said that we aren't going to have a rehearsal for the kiss because she wants it to be real. And over the course of two months of me helping Hayden rehearse, we've become super close. We were best friends again. We would go to my house after school a few times a week to rehearse and work on homework. Hayley and mom were very suspicious about Hayden being back in my life, but it was like we never dated in the first place. We just put all of that behind us. We wanted change in our lives and that's what we got out of each other.
We were chilling in my room, a couple weeks till opening night and rehearsing together.
Hayden:Hey, is Asher back from his tour yet?
Annie:He's coming to my graduation. But i don't think his tour is officially over yet
Hayden:Oh, that sucks. He's a hard worker for sure if he's been touring for this long.
Annie:Yeah, I'm proud of him
Hayden:Do you miss him?
Annie:Yeah, but he has been ignoring my FaceTime calls lately, and I don't know why
Hayden:He's a busy guy
Annie:I know but I'm his girlfriend and he can't just ignore me forever
Hayden then gets up and starts to pack up his backpack
Hayden:I better head to Carson's
Annie:Um, i"ve been meaning to ask, why do you stay with Carson?
Hayden:My dad is out of town, and I can't really stay by myself
Hayden:Well, see ya tomorrow
He leaves my room and I'm still wondering why he is still staying with Carson. He's been staying with him for over two months now. If his dad is really out of town, then he's been gone for too long. I think he is lying.

//This chapter is more of a filler. But I just wanted to add in the progress of the play. Chapter 7 coming soon ~A♡ \\

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