𝓊𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑒𝒸𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇🥀

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Principal:Mr.Summerall. It's a pleasure to see you
Hayden:You to, Mr. Myles
I sit down in one of those very intimidating brown leather chairs in front of his desk in his office.
Principal:Now what would you like to discuss with me?
Hayden:I'm wondering how many credits I have now, so that I can proceed with my plan
He nods and looks at his computer. He scans the screen slowly and then faces me again
Principal:Mr.Summerall, I'm afraid you are 8 credits short
Hayden:What?! How?
Principal:If I were you, I would acknowledge joining something different this semester. Something that has 8 credits to offer
Hayden:What would you recommend?

I walked into the drama theatre, which is basically my second home. All of the people in here are so friendly and kind. It's an incredible place. I set my backpack backstage and I see my best friend across the theatre
Jayden sees me and runs over to me
We hug each other
Jayden:How was Maryland?
Annie:Amazing! I missed my friend's there. But I also missed you
Jayden:Aww. I missed you too
That's when Lilia and Will come up to us
Lilia:Hey babes
Annie:Hi guys! How was your spring break?
Lilia:Great! I went to the Bahamas with Jill, and it was so beautiful there
Will:Well, I went back to England. I missed my family
Jayden:You guys are so lucky, I just stayed in LA
Annie:I'm glad you guys had fun
After awhile, everyone started to pile in, and we were all sitting in the seats of the theatre, talking and waiting for Miss Florence to walk in and tell us our new spring musical
Jayden:So, how's Asher?
Annie:He's good. I mean I wish he were at school with us, but I'm proud of him
Lilia:Aww! You guys are couple goals
Asher dropped out of school a couple of years ago so he could work more on his music career. Right now he is on tour for his new album that just dropped a few weeks ago. I miss him like crazy, but we FaceTime every night. Which usually ends with me rambling about school stuff and then realizing he is asleep on the other end.
He then calls me in the morning and apologizes for him falling asleep, but I always tell him he needs his rest for how hard he is working.
Miss Florence then walks in and stands in front of all of us
Miss F:Hey, guys
Miss F:Welcome back! I hope you all had a great spring break. Now I know you all are excited for what the spring musical is going to be, but first, let's play some warm up exercises!
We all get up and start playing a game, when the door opens and we see Principal Myles walk in
Miss F:Hello, Mr, Myles. What can we do for you?
Principal:Can I add one more member to your group?
Miss F:Sure. We are very welcoming
Somebody walks in and places their bag down. I don't know who they are, but they look familiar
Miss F:Welcome to drama class
I couldn't believe my eyes when the person turned around. I could recognize those dark brown eyes anywhere. They belonged to my ex-boyfriend Hayden Summerall. We hadn't seen each other in over four years. Usually I would see him around and on social media, but I haven't been in the same room as him in forever. Well, maybe classes, but I never paid any attention to him since he was always with his slutty girlfriend. We dated when we were twelve and thirteen.
We loved each other very much, I knew I did. Until we didn't feel it anymore for each other. Then that was it for us. I can't believe he is going to be in drama class with me. It's filled with all of my friends who knew we dated and knew how much I liked him. But now we are going to have to see each other everyday because of theatre, and I don't know how that is going to work for us. I don't hate him at all, I just don't want the awkward tension between us to fill the room and cause everyone to notice. I don't want a distraction like Hayden to make me unfocused because our graduation is this year, and I need to graduate.
Miss F:Take a seat Hayden
Hayden sits towards the back. I think he knew I was there
Principal:I will let you guys get to it
Principal Myles leaves and Miss F turns back to us
Miss F:Now, I want to discuss the different musicals we could do for the spring musical. Any ideas?
Everyone started talking at once and it was just a disaster. Miss F then clapped
Miss F:Okay, I guess we can't all talk at once. Now raise your hand if we have an idea.
We exchanged ideas and then narrowed it down to two options.
Miss F:We now have two options. Romeo & Juliet or Sleeping Beauty. I will hand out pieces of paper, and you write down which one you want to do. Then we will all turn the other way and one at a time, you will go and drop your paper into the box.
She handed out the paper, and we all wrote down which play we wanted to do. I wanted to do Sleeping Beauty because we did Romeo & Juliet a few years ago, and it's Disney. How can you go wrong with Disney? We all went one by one and then turned back around. Miss F then picked out all the pieces of paper and counted for each box
Miss F:And the spring musical is going to be...
We all stomped our feet
Miss F:Sleeping Beauty!
The room erupted in cheers and clapping
Miss F:Auditions are going to be on Friday, so you have a couple of days to prepare. Now, I will hand out the scripts and I want you to study some of the lines for the character you want to play.
She handed out all the scripts to everyone and we all just sat together and talked about what parts we wanted to play
Jayden turns to me
Jayden:Hey, Anns?
Jayden:You should totally audition for Sleeping Beauty
Lilia:Yes, she would make a pretty princess
Annie:I don't think I could beat Hannah
Hannah is basically the lead of every play in the school. She is graduating alongside me this year and every year I try out for a lead, but she beats me.
Anna:You totally could beat her this year
Annie:No, I can't because she could beat me again
They then all started talking about what parts they should play. I looked at the far back corner and saw Hayden slunched down in his seat flipping through the script. I feel like I should go over there and at least talk to him. He looks so lonely. And what is he even doing in theatre? Should I go over there? I should. I got up without my friends noticing and sat next to Hayden
He looked up at me. Then sat up straighter
Annie:So...how are you?
Hayden:I could be better. But how are you?
Annie:I'm okay, I mean I'm still struggling, but I'm really okay
He nodded
When Hayden and I were together, my parents separated and it broke my heart. I never thought that they would end it with each other, but they did. And Hayden was there for me. I couldn't let out all of my feelings to Hayley because she was so young then and I wanted to be brave for her and tell her that everything was okay. And I couldn't go to my mom because she was also hurting. So I went to Hayden. And he was an incredible person to be there for me. I still struggle with it everyday, but I think I've gotten a bit better.
Hayden:Aren't we all though?
I nod. Hayden is struggling? With what? He didn't have any major problems when we were dating, but I guess that was a while ago
Annie:I"m graduating in a couple of months
Hayden:Yeah, you excited for that?
Annie:Definitely, I just hope I get accepted  somewhere
Hayden:You will, I know it
I smile at him
Hayden:It seems your friends are really excited about this play
I looked at my friends and they were just chatting away. I turn back to him
Annie:Yeah, they are
Hayden:What part are you auditioning for?
Annie:I don't really know yet. I mean I would audition for the lead, but Hannah would probably get it anyway
I motioned to Hannah who was already rehearsing Aurora's lines with her friend group. Who we adoring every word she said.
Hayden:Why don't you? I mean I think you would nail it. Isn't it just sleeping? You're great at sleeping
I laugh. Hayden hasn't made me laugh in so long. I kind of missed that feeling. 
Annie:Maybe, but every year I audition for the lead and Hannah beats me
Hayden:I say go for it
Hayden:For sure
Annie:Okay, I'll try
I get up to go sit with my friends, and I smile at Hayden. He smiles back. I sit back down next to Jayden
Jayden:Hey, where'd you go?
Annie:Um, bathroom
She nods and turns back to the script.


How did you guys like part 2? I know it's been a couple weeks, but I just wanted to be sure this chapter was ready to post. Anyways, chapter 3 coming soon ~A♡

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