𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝑒?🥀

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When we got there, the halls and the gym were all decorated for grad and I saw Lilia hanging up the last banner with Jill. We got in the gym, grabbed out caps and gowns, put them on and found our tables. Jayden and her family sat together. While I sat with mine. It was just Hayley, Mom, and I. Until...
???:You look so amazing, Annie
I turn to see my dad standing there, with Natalie clinging to his side
Annie:Thank you
They sat down, and we made small talk. I didn't think he would bring Natalie. But here we are. There were only three more seats left. One for Paige, and one for Anthem. They flew out yesterday and we haven't seen them yet. So, i'm excited to see them. And the last seat was for Hayden. I haven't told him that he would be sitting with us yet. And the only people that didn't know were Dad and Natalie. Which I hope he is okay with, which is why he is sitting beside Paige.
Natalie:So, how does it feel to be graduating?
I turn to her
Natalie:I remember my graduation. It seemed like it was just yesterday
She then went on and on about her graduation. Which I didn't care for. God please help me, I don't want to listen to this bitch.

I got to school, and parked in the back of the school. Where they make drop offs of stuff, like cafeteria food, and already used school supplies.
I turned off my truck, and sat there. I'm glad I started my plan earlier than expected. I picked up my phone and read a bunch of messages from Annie.
Angel:Where are you?
Angel:Call me please
I sighed and put it on the passenger seat. I looked in the backseat and saw my tux. I grabbed it and changed into it.

It was noon, and I graduate in exactly an hour. I'm so happy. But Hayden still isn't here, I'm really worried about him. I grabbed my phone and went out into the hallway. I tried calling him, but it was straight to voicemail. I didn't want to send him too many texts, but I had to.
I went back to the table and saw Paige and Anthem. She is now 4 years old and the cutest kid ever. She ran over and hugged me.
I picked her up and hugged her back
Annie:Hi, Anthem
Paige:Annie, you look gorgeous
I put Anthem down and hugged Paige. We all sat down and talked with Paige about the flight and what's new. Which she announced she was pregnant. While we all congratulated her, I cried. Of course. I looked over at Natalie and she just sat there unamused. She is just a snake. There, I said it.

I changed into my tux and I had twenty minutes till the ceremony. I fixed up my hair as best I could. But I had a bad mirror in my truck. I put the mirror back up, and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and saw texts from my parents and Annie. Annie even left a voicemail. I hope she isn't mad at me.
Mom:Hayden, where did you go? Please come home
Dad:Son what happened?
Angel:Hayden, please tell me you are okay
I put on Annie's voicemail
Annie:Hey, it's me. Where are you? The ceremony is about to start, and you're not here. I hope you are okay. Please call me. Or text me. But call me, so I know you are okay. Please come, this means alot to me
I put my phone in my back pocket and get out of my truck. I lock it, and head inside through the backdoors.

Fifteen minutes till the ceremony. All the families were in the gym, and all the teachers. Principal Myles stood on stage.
Principal:Good afternoon, everyone. We will be starting the ceremony in a few minutes.
He got off the stage, and started talking with another teacher. I looked at the empty seat, and I still cannot believe Hayden isn't here yet.
Paige:Who else are you expecting?
I turn around and see Asher standing there. What the hell is he doing here?  I then realized that I haven't told my parents, Hayley, or Paige that Asher broke up with me.
Annie:Hi, Asher
Asher:Is this seat taken?
I was about to answer, but Mom motioned for him to sit in the empty seat next to me. Great. He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my check. What the fuck is he doing? My parents started talking to Asher about the tour, which he just finished and came to LA last night.

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