𝒻𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝑒🥀

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A couple days have passed, and we have auditions in two days. Saying that I was nervous would be an understatement. I got ready for school, and went to the kitchen to find Hayley eating breakfast and mom making it.
Katie:Morning. Want some breakfast?
Annie:I'm good for now. I need to be totally focused for Friday
Katie:Oh! What play are you doing this semester?
Annie:Sleeping Beauty
Hayley:I'd love to see you as Aurora
Katie:Me too
Annie:I'm planning on auditioning for her, so I need extra time and practice
I grabbed my backpack that was sitting on the floor, and flung it over my shoulder.
Annie:I better get to school, I want to get to the theatre and practice before first period
Katie:Okay, good luck

I walked in school and went straight to the theatre. We don't have theatre till this afternoon. I made sure I didn't run into anybody so I could practice right away. I walked in and placed my backpack on a seat in the front row. I grabbed my script, sat at the edge of the stage, and read through all of Aurora's lines. I flipped through more of it, until the door opened for the theatre. I looked over and saw Hayden standing by the door.
Hayden:Sorry, I didn't think anybody was in here
Annie:It's okay
He walks over
Hayden:What are you doing in here so early?
Annie:I wanted to practice for my audition. This time I want to make sure my audition goes perfect so I am guaranteed the lead
Hayden:You really are determined
Annie:I want to make sure my chances are pretty good. It's my last year here, and I want to remember playing the lead of the spring musical in my senior year. You know how cool that would be?
Hayden:I'm assuming pretty good
We just remained in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't awkward for tenacious. But it was peaceful. I don't know what it was.
Hayden:Well, I better leave you to it. Good luck
He smiles at me and walks out.

I walked out of the theatre, and ran into Johnny.
Johnny:Hey, what were you doing in the theatre?
Hayden:Nothing, I just went in there
Hayden:Because I just wanted to, okay?
Johnny just looks at me
He followed me to my locker.
Johnny:You didn't text Carson and I back. So, did you break up with Bella?
Hayden:Yeah, I did
Johnny:Shit, I can't believe you had the guts. Was she mad?
Hayden:Yep, she looked like she wanted to chop my head off. She was so fucking pissed. But i'm glad I ended it quickly
Johnny:I'm happy for you
Johnny:Now, we gotta find you someone else
Hayden:John, I don't need anyone right now
Johnny:Why not? Kenz and I never double dated with you and Bella because we didn't like her. Now, you can find somebody who actually likes you back, and we can double date
I grab my history textbook and close my locker
Hayden:Why do you want to go on a double date so bad?
Johnny:It's Kenz, she wants to double date. And she doesn't know who to do it with
Hayden:Well, tell her that I can't

I was walking down the hall to my locker since theatre just ended and it's the last class of the day. I then saw Hannah walk over to me.
Hannah:Hey, Annie
Annie:Hi, Hannah
Hannah:So, what role are you auditioning for on Friday?
Annie:Why do you need to know?
Hannah:Well, I'm auditioning for Aurora, and I usually beat you every year for the lead roles. So, I thought that you would also be auditioning for the same role
Annie:Does it matter that you beat me every time?
Hannah:Yeah kinda
Annie:Well, it's stupid and unreasonable
Hannah:How so? I mean I get the lead role because I deserve it
Annie:Are you saying I don't deserve a lead role?
I cross my arms and glare at her
Hannah:Maybe...but good luck this time 
She smirks at me then walks away. How could she say that? She acts so innocent and nice around everybody in theatre, and now she is lashing out at me! This just fuels my fire to go into auditions and get the lead. She is being so unreasonable.


//This chapter is kind of a filler. So I will post two chapters. I think you'll like chapter 5 way more ;) ~A♡ \\

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