𝒻𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒷𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓊𝓈 𝓉𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇🥀

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I woke up the next morning and it felt different. I sat up and the other side of the bed was empty. I looked by my closet and his backpack was gone. Great. My phone dings and I grab it from my side table.
Hayden:I'm sorry I left early. I hope you slept well. See you at graduation later, angel
I smile at my phone, then realize that I would be graduating today. Today! I looked at my phone. 9:34am.  I got out of bed and rushed over to my closet. I grabbed my dress from the back of my closet. It was a long white dress with a lace-up back, and sparkly fabric at the top of the dress. I laid it down on my bed and ran over to the bathroom. I grabbed my makeup bag and phone then sat at my table in my room. I propped up a mirror and my phone so I could FaceTime Jayden while we both got ready. I curled my hair as she got into her dress in her bathroom. She came on the frame and she looked incredible. Her hair was straightened and it complimented her dress that we just picked out.
Annie:Jayden! You look incredible
Jayden:Thank you, now. Go put yours on so we can meet up and take cute pics together
I laughed. She is always wanting to take pictures. I put my dress on and she dropped her jaw
Jayden:Anns! You are gorgeous
Jayden:Now, i'm coming over so we can take pics in your backyard
Jayden:See you in 20
She hung up and I walked in the kitchen. Mom and Hayley were doing Hayley's makeup. They both looked up at me and also dropped their jaws
Hayley:Annie, you look so pretty
Katie:Oh my gosh, Annie
She goes over and hugs me
Annie:Thank you, guys. Um, Jayden is coming over to take some pictures before we go
Katie:Okay, i'm just finishing up with Hayley's makeup
I nod then sit beside Hayley and wait for Jayden.

Jayden came with her mom and dad. We took some pictures. Jayden and I. Jayden, Hayley and I. Jayden and her family. Me and mine. Then we all drove to school for the ceremony. I tried texting Hayden to meet me there. But he didn't reply. I hope he is okay.

When I woke up this morning, Annie looked so cute sleeping beside me. I didn't want to leave her. She seemed peaceful. I sat there and just looked at her. I lost her a while ago. And fate brought us together again. I smiled to myself and grabbed a shirt that was lying on the top of her couch. I slipped it over my head and grabbed my backpack, which was sitting beside her closet doors. I was about to open the backdoor, but I took one last look at her before I left. I turned back and saw she was turned over to where I was sleeping and had her hands wrapped around the pillow I used. I opened the door and closed it slowly. I got in my truck and drove home.

When I got home, I parked at the side of the road instead of the driveway, and sat there. I looked at what my home has become. A place filled with terror. Not love anymore.
I gathered my stuff and walked inside. It looked messy, like usual. Stuff was thrown everywhere and some stuff was smashed. Probably still from me. I looked over at the couch and he wasn't there. But there was a torn beer box. I shut the front door quietly, and made my way to my room. I closed the door behind me and placed my stuff on my bed. I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I texted Annie. She responded.
Angel:It's okay, and see you later
I smiled and then heard yelling. I looked out my window and saw my dad and...my mom arguing in the backyard. I rushed downstairs and opened the backdoor. They were yelling at each other on the deck and then saw me. They turned to me and stopped.
She walked over to me and hugged me. She let go of me and I looked at them confused
Hayden:What is going on?
Tisha:I came to visit
Jimmy:No, you came to take him away from me
Tisha:No, Hayden-
Hayden:You want me to go back with you to Texas?
Tisha:Hayden, you're dad and I have been talking-
Hayden:More like arguing
She gave me a "really?" look and I raised an eyebrow at her.
Tisha:And I want you to come and live with me in Texas for your last year of school
She smiled at me and I just looked at her. Is she serious?
Hayden:Mom, i'm happy you're here, really. But I can't leave
Tisha:Hayden, I want you home
Hayden:I am home
Tisha:Your dad isn't taking very good care of you
Tisha:I'm sorry, but it's true. Hayden needs somebody who will care for him when nobody else will
Jimmy:He doesn't need to leave
Tisha:Yes he does! Now, Hayden, what do you say?
I look back and forth at them. I can't deal with them right now. I went back inside and heard them calling me. I got in my room and locked the door behind me. I sat there on my bed and let out a huge sigh. They are impossible. I could hear them calling me and then back to arguing. I looked at the time. 11:35am. I am graduating in an hour and a half and I'm not even ready. I opened my backpack and grabbed my football duffle bag from middle school and started shoving a bunch of stuff in it. My backpack had my clothes, but I ripped off my metals from football, and threw them on the floor. I grabbed a blanket from my bed and a small throw pillow I had. That I didn't care for. I grabbed some pictures of my friends and I and put them in a small metal box. I also grabbed a picture of Annie and I and put it with the others. I put the box in the duffle bag, and zipped it up. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my duffle bag. I went downstairs slowly, my parents were back arguing outside. I saw dad's wallet on the kitchen table. I grabbed $100 bucks from it, put it down in it's exact place, and rushed to my truck. I threw my bags in the backseat, started my truck, and drove off.


//Hey! I am posting the last two chapters. I'm so sad that this is over...but I think I have a surprise ;) you'll just have to wait till I post the last chapter ~A♡ \\

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