𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓉 𝒶 𝒸𝑜𝒾𝓃𝒸𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒?🥀

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Today has been insane. First I find out I am low in my credits, so I have to join theatre, then I talked to Annie for the first time in four years, and now I am gathering the courage to break up with Bella. When Annie came over to talk to me, I wasn't expecting to talk to her so normally. At first I thought the air between us was going to be intoxicated with silence. But we talked together like nothing ever happened between us.
I was walking in the packed courtyard to try and find Bella. I was nervous to finally end things with her, but I knew if I didn't do something now, I would never move on. I finally found Bella sitting with her friends at a table, and walked over to them.
Hayden:Hey, Bella
Bella looks at me and smiles
Bella:Haybaby! I missed you so much
She hugs me but I don't hug back
Bella:How was Texas?
Hayden:It was...great
She lets go of me
Hayden:Look, I just want to do this quick-
Bella:We can't do that here, baby
She touches my arm and I push it off
Hayden:Not that, what I meant was....I'm breaking up with you
Bella looks at me shocked
Bella:You can't be serious, baby
Hayden:I'm not your baby anymore. I'm sorry Bella, but it's over
Bella:Haybear, come on. You can't be fucking serious
Hayden:But I am
Bella:Is this because of Joey?
Hayden:No, this isn't just because of Joey. This is about you fucking cheating on me multiple times!
Bella:I haven't cheated on you, Haybaby!
Hayden:Bullshit. Don't lie to me, Bella
She rolls her eyes
Bella:Look, I may have cheated on you, but I still love you
Hayden:No you don't
Bella:Hayden. Stop overthinking this, and let's forget this conversation ever happened
Hayden:I can't do that
She crosses her arms
Bella:You are a fucking asshole, Hayden
Hayden:Thanks, see you around
I walk away from her. I can hear her ranting to her friends. I'm so glad I did that. Now I'm Bella free.

Jayden, Lilia, Anna, Will and I were all hanging out in my room on my couch doing homework and practicing our lines.
Will:I'm thinking of asking Miss F if she can let me do sound and music for the musical
Lilia:Yes! Will, you should definitely ask her
Anna:You're great at that stuff
Will:Cool, I'll ask her tomorrow
Jayden:I don't know who I should audition for. I mean what if us three girls audition for the three fairies?
Anna:Yes! I'm so down
Lilia:Me too, then we could basically take care of Annie in the play
Jayden:What made you change your mind anyway? I told you to audition for the lead, and you said "no." But then when you came back, you all of a sudden wanted to audition for the lead
Anna:Did you call Asher to get his opinion?
Annie:No, he is still travelling right now. He is probably too busy
Will:Who did you talk to?
Jayden then looked at me
Jayden:Oh, Annie
I looked at her confused and she shakes her head
Jayden:Why? We've talked about this. He isn't good anymore. Get over him
Annie:What are you talking about?
Jayden:You know it would be weird to talk to Hayden again
Lilia, Anna, and Will all gasped dramatically
Annie:Okay! I did talk to Hayden, but he seemed lonely and we're gonna be in theatre together anyway
Anna:You shouldn't talk to him
Will:Remember what happened?
Annie:I know guys, but I just wanted to talk to him. See how he is doing. Can't I be a nice person and do that?
They all stay quiet
Annie:Yeah, that's what I thought
Lilia:But did you hear him and Bella broke up today?
Lilia:I'm surprised. Because she is always all over him
Anna:Right, I guess he was over her
Since when did they decide to break up? I thought they were head over heels in love with each other. I guess not. Is it that a coincidence from what happened today?


//How did you like chapter 3? I'm so excited to post more. And I hope you all will continue reading, it would mean the world to me. Anyways new chapter soon ;) ~A♡

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