𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝒶 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒🥀

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I quickly got to Hayden's house, and knocked on the door. There was no answer. So I knocked again. The door then opened and Hayden was standing at the door. He was just looking at me. He was shirtless and his hair was messy again. I really hope he wasn't drinking
Hayden:Annie, what are you doing here? You're soaking wet. I felt tears in my eyes again.
Annie:I just need somebody right now, and it cannot be my mom or Asher
He motioned for me to come in. He closed the door behind me
Hayden:Go sit down on the couch, i'll be right back
I nod and he goes upstairs. I sat down and not a single bottle was in sight. That's a good sign. But the house was still a mess. He comes back down with a purple hoodie of his. He sits down and hands it to me
I grabbed it and went to the bathroom that was down the hallway. I changed into it, walked out and sat next to Hayden
Hayden:What happened?
Annie:My mom is mad at me for going to the party
Hayden:Did you tell her it was for theatre?
Annie:Yeah, but she didn't listen. She is so mad with me
Hayden:Wait, what did you say about Asher earlier?
Annie:Well, Asher broke up with me over text
I was trying not to cry, but I felt tears drip down my face and Hayden brought me in his arms
Hayden:I'm so sorry, Anns
Annie:I don't understand, we were doing fine and then he just decides to break up with me even though he never talked to me about it first
Hayden:I honestly don't know what to tell you
Annie:I'm sorry I came. It's just, my friends live across town and-
He looks me in the eyes
Hayden:It's okay
I smile at him. He is so sweet.
Annie:I just can't go back home
Hayden:You can stay with me if you want then
Annie:Are you sure?
Hayden:Yes, i'm sure
I grabbed my wet clothes and Hayden led me upstairs to his room. It was messy, but somewhat organized. Exactly how it was four years ago. The bed was in one corner, with a window that overlooked the backyard. He had a desk against the wall and a bunch of pictures of him and his friends on a bulletin board. He was setting up a blanket and pillow on the floor
Annie:What are you doing?
Hayden:Setting up a bed for myself
Annie:Hayden, there is enough room for both of us
He nods then puts the stuff back on the bed. We both lay together. It felt weird, but right.
Hayden:Night, Anns
A few minutes passed, and I couldn't sleep. I was worried about so many things, it was distracting me from sleep. I roll over to face Hayden. He had his eyes closed and was breathing lightly. I just stared at him. He looked so peaceful. I looked at the side of his head and saw that his cut he got was starting to heal. I ran my fingers through his blondish brown curls. He slowly opened his eyes
He smiled at me
I moved my hand back beside me
Hayden:Can't sleep?
Hayden:What's bothering you? Because you were crying opening night, and I was worried
Annie:I was crying because...I was thinking of our fight
Annie:I never meant to hurt you, and I feel awful about it. Like, really, really, really awful
He chuckles
Hayden:I get it. I mean, I know you were just protecting me. I acted that way, because nobody has ever looked out for me that way. Not even Carson and John. Who are afraid to come over here because of my dad
Annie:Well, i'm always here for you
Hayden:Thanks. And i'm sorry about our fight
Annie:I'm sorry too. I was just so worried about you. And I was scared. Because I didn't want to lose you
Hayden:You're not going to lose me, and that's a promise
I smile at him. I really hope I won't lose him. We were looking into each other's eyes until he leaned in and I placed my hand on his cheek. Is this really happening? Our lips met for the fifth time this week, and I didn't care. I didn't care because I knew that this one was more real. The other four were forced, but this one wasn't. He put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I placed both my hands on the sides of his face and we kept making out. He then stopped and we pulled apart
Hayden:Are you sure you want to do this?
Do I want to do this? Asher and I just broke up probably half an hour ago. Will I do something I will regret tomorrow? Will I make a mistake that could stick with me for the rest of my life?
I nodded
Annie:I'm sure
He kissed me again and brought me on top of him. He started to kiss my jaw then moved to my neck. I removed the purple hoodie and he kisses me again. I can't believe this is happening right now.


//How did you like chapter 11? I loved this chapter because they finally forgive each other! New chapter coming soon ~A♡ \\

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