𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓊𝓃𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒻𝓊𝓁🥀

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The rumor was no more at school, but some people were still unsure about it. Believing other people and not Annie and I. Carson and John apologized after our speech, and I forgave them. I told them never to assume things, which they clearly believed. I needed to talk to Principal Myles about my credits, they have to be enough for me to graduate this year. I had a plan and I was going to stick to it.
I knocked on the familier wood door, and he welcomed me in. I sat on one of the brown leather chairs and faced him
Principal:Hello, Hayden
Principal:What would you like to discuss with me?
Hayden:I wanted to go over my credits
He nodded
Hayden:I played a major role and participated fairly in theatre, and I feel I did very well
Principal:I believe you did, I went to see the last show, and it was incredible. You did a fantastic job,
Hayden:Thank you
Friday, a night I won't ever forget. Ever.
Principal:Was it your first time?
What did he just say? My first time. No. But with Annie yes. It was unexpected and incredible. It wasn't my first time, but it was the best yet.
Principal:Was it your first time in theatre?
Hayden:Yes, yes it was
I smiled. I'm glad I was able to get a lead role, maybe it'll boost my credits. He checked his computer and turned back to me
Principal:I think you will be pleased with what i'm about to tell you
Here we go
Principal:You needed 8 credits to graduate early, and since you made a huge participation in the play, which Miss Florence backed you up on, you have 10 more credits added. Which means you can graduate early
Mr. Myles smiled at me
I shook his hand
Hayden:Thank you so much, Mr. Myles
Principal:No problem
I flung my backpack over my shoulder and was about to leave
Principal:And Hayden?
I turned back to him
Principal:Good luck, and we'll miss you
I smiled at him
Hayden:Thanks, see you
I left his office and went to find Carson and John to tell them the good news.

Graduation was next Friday, and it was coming up fast, we only had a week left to prepare.  It'll be my last year here. I don't know if i'm ready yet. I needed to check my emails to see if I got into college. I made an application to Columbia Academy for the Performing Arts a couple of months ago. I wanted to join an acting school, and that's what I plan on doing. I had my emails opened up. And I had an email from Columbia Academy. I sat there staring at the screen.  Not even my friends knew I applied, but I would rather tell them about it, if I get in. Which I hope I do.
I heard a knock at my door
Annie:Come in
Mom walked in and sat beside me on the couch
Katie:Whatcha doing?
Do I tell her about Columbia? No
She nods
Katie:I'm sorry for going off on you the other night. I didn't mean to be so rude to you, and I know it was just a party with your theatre friends.
Annie:Thanks, mom
Katie:I was just stressed out about your father coming and I just wanted to make a good first impression on Natalie
I nod
Annie:I get it, i'm sorry too
She pulls me into a hug. I'm glad we're back to talking more.

I got home after school, and talking with Mr. Myles. I went home and when I opened the door, I saw Annie sitting there on the couch. I walked over to her confused
Hayden:What are you doing here, Anns?
Annie:I have some huge news
I sat next to her
Hayden:What is it?
Annie:Well, I applied for Columbia Academy for the Performing Arts in New York
Hayden:That's incredible
Annie:I know right, and I got an email from them earlier, I just didn't want to open it yet
Hayden:Well, open it
She pulled her phone and read aloud
Annie:We are pleased to inform you that we have accepted you to Columbia Academy for the Performing Arts. Your application was unique and your emotion is incredible. We would love to welcome you to our college. We'll see you in the fall.
Hayden:You got in!
Annie:I got in!
I picked her up and spun her around. I was so happy for her. I placed her down and she hugged me again
Annie:I can't believe it
Hayden:I'm so happy for you, Anns
Annie:Thank you
That's when we heard a knock on the front door. I walked over and opened it. I saw my dad standing there on the front porch smirking at me
He pushed past me and walked in. I closed the door behind him
Hayden:I thought you were locked away
He turned back to me
Jimmy:They let me out
Jimmy:I'm never telling
He went towards the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He cracked it open and started to drink it. He walked back to the living room and saw that Annie was there
Jimmy:Why is she always here, boy?
Hayden:Because she can be. Well, not anymore. Now that you're here
Jimmy:Oh, come on. She is welcome here, I mean I should get to know your girlfriend
He put an arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. It made my jaw and fists clench.
Annie and I looked at each other then I looked back at my dad
Hayden:Dad, I don't think you should be here
Jimmy:Why not? I mean, I live here...don't I?
Hayden:Well, yeah, but-
Jimmy:But what?! I'm allowed to live here you know. I paid for this fucking house!
I looked back down. I can't fight with him now. Not in front of Annie, again
Jimmy:I paid for the fucking clothes on your back, and you don't even thank me for it!
He walks over to me and grabs my shoulder, I flinch. I didn't move him away. And I could see Annie take a few steps closer to us
Jimmy:You can't be ungrateful, boy
Hayden:I'm not
I whispered and he looked at me with his fiery eyes
Jimmy:What was that?
Hayden:I'm not ungrateful, dad
He lets go of my shoulder and takes a swig of beer
I grabbed the bottle out of his hands. Instantly regretting it.
Jimmy:What the hell?!
Hayden:You can't drink anymore...and you shouldn't be here
He grabs my shoulders, but harder this time. Here we go again
Jimmy:You listen here, ok? You give me the fucking bottle back, and nobody gets hurt, alright?
I glared at him. His eyes were filled with anger.
Hayden:I can't do that
He shook his head and punched me across the face. I stumbled back and held my cheek.
I looked back up and he was smirking at me. I looked at Annie, and she was almost in tears. I had to stop my dad.
Jimmy:How bout now?
I stood up straighter but he punched me in the stomach and kicked my legs so I fell to the floor. I winced in pain, and the bottle rolled across the room. Annie ran beside me and traced her hand along my cheek
Annie:Hayden, are you okay?
I mumbled a quiet "yes," I looked across the room, and my dad was walking to grab the bottle. I had to stop him from drinking. I stood up and grabbed it off the floor before he got to it. He punched me across the face again and we started fighting. He pushed me into the wall, and continued to punch me. I could feel myself going numb, and I could feel all sorts of pain in my body. He continued and I tried to stop him. But he grabbed my arms and kicked my legs again. This time I didn't go down, but he pushed me to the ground. I quickly got out of his arms, grabbed the bottle from his hand, and chucked it out the window. Smashing the glass. He stood up and glared at me
Jimmy:What the fuck was that for?!
Hayden:To stop you. You need to stop, dad!
Jimmy:Why? I mean I have nothing to lose!
I gulped down a huge lump in my throat. I guess he didn't think he would be losing me. He stepped closer to me, but Annie ran in between us
Annie:You need to stop hurting him
Dad gave me a smirk
Jimmy:Look boy, your girl is trying to protect you
He looked at me again. But I couldn't see as much anger this time
Jimmy:What? Do you have something to say?
I didn't say anything. I couldn't. It all had to stop here. He then went over to the stairs. He gripped the banister and made his way upstairs. He was probably going to sleep for a while. Annie turned to me and hugged me gently
Annie:Why do I always have to witness these brutal situations? U
She looks up at me and caresses my cheek. It was stinging and I knew it was bleeding
Annie:Do I need to help you wash up again?
I shrugged

She let go of me and grabbed my hand. I knew she was leading us to her house again. Which I haven't been to in awhile. We sat together on the familiar couch in her room and she rubbed an ointment on my cheek. She cleaned me up, and then sat back down beside me.
Annie:So, now he's back?
Hayden:I guess so
Annie:I'm so sorry, Hayden
Hayden:I should have known he might have come back. They didn't have much proof since i wasn't there when the cops showed up to arrest him that night
Annie:Now you get to go home to him again, Hayden. You can't stay there anymore
Hayden:I guess not
Annie:You can stay here, if you want
I smiled at her
Hayden:Thanks, Anns. But I think I should fight my own battle
Annie:Fight your own battle? Hayden, he's going to kill you. Remember what we talked about?
I nod slowly
Annie:He is dangerous. You can't be around him anymore
Hayden:I know, but I feel like I should stop him
Annie:Stop him how?
Hayden:By talking to him
Annie:But everytime you guys talk, he ends up hitting you
I stay quiet. She was right. I don't think my dad is much for talking. It ends with me on the floor and him sleeping away his anger every time.
Hayden:I guess I shouldn't go back
Annie:You can't face him again
Hayden:Maybe not
We sat in silence for a few moments. I looked beside me and she was looking down at her fingernails again. Which I recently figured out meant she had something to say. She finally looked at me.
Annie:Today was...scary
I just looked at her. Her beautiful eyes starting to gloss over
Annie:I thought that you were going to...die
She wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her pastel blue hoodie
I grabbed her hand
Hayden:Hey, I'm okay
Annie:It was scary seeing you guys fight like that. I couldn't imagine losing you, Hayden
Hayden:You're not going to lose me, Anns. I'm right here. And i'll stay here
She rubbed her thumb along my knuckles and looked back up at me
Annie:You have to stay here, Hayden
Hayden:I will
I grabbed a piece of her hair and tucked it behind her ear
She smiled at me and wiped her eyes. I brought her into my arms and placed my chin on her head. I can't fight her again. Our last fight didn't go well. I don't want to be in that position again.


//This chapter was very emotional to write. I feel so bad for Hayden, and I wrote this! Anyways, thank you for reading, what are we is almost at 500 reads, so thank you. also go stream positions by ari ~A♡ \\

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