𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉🥀

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It was now Monday after school, this Friday was graduation. And I was so excited for it. I would be graduating with my friends and going to an incredible college in New York.
Hayden moved in last Saturday. I felt terrible for what happened. The real reason Jimmy came back was because I released him. I didn't want Hayden to be mad at me. But now I got him into more trouble. But I don't think I should tell Hayden this. This could ruin him, he wouldn't be able to trust me ever again. And I don't want that to happen. We just put everything behind us. But yet again. We had sex a couple weeks ago. Which I still don't get why we haven't talked about it. It's all so complicated.
Mom and Hayley are still worried about Hayden staying at our house, now that i'm not with Asher anymore. They think Hayden and I are going to get back together. But I thought it through and I don't like Hayden that way. I'm one of his best friends. And whatever happened between us, is now gone. We're friends, and i'm just being a good friend and helping him. They don't know that Jimmy hurts Hayden, but I just told them Jimmy was out of town and he needed a place to stay. Which they believed.
Hayden and I were just hanging out in my room, I was painting. Which I took up recently and found out I was good at it. I was sitting at my desk painting a beautiful flower field. Hayden was sitting on the couch with Piper on his lap. Which was adorable. I put my paintbrush down and sat next to him.
Annie:Can I tell you something?
He shuts his phone off and puts it in his pocket of his black skinny jeans
Annie:I'm glad you joined theatre
Hayden:Why is that?
Annie:Because if you hadn't joined...then we wouldn't have reconnected and we wouldn't have gotten to be friends again
Hayden:Yeah, I really missed you
Annie:I did too
He smiled at me and kissed my hand which gave me butterflies.
Hayden:What have you been painting for an hour now?
I smiled at him and led him over to my painting. His eyes popped out of his head and I laughed
Hayden:What can't you do?
Annie:Well, I can't cook. For one
Hayden:True. But this is incredible, Anns

It was Wednesday, and I brought my tray of food to a table and waited for John and Carson to come. They walked over and sat down.
Hayden:What's up guys?
Johnny:We came over yesterday after school, and you weren't home. But we did see your dad
Carson:When did he come back?
Johnny:Why didn't you tell us?
Hayden:I don't know. I just didn't want you guys getting involved. Because we're all graduating on Friday. So, I didn't want to distract you guys
Carson:Hayden, we would love to help you with your dad
Hayden:Really? Because I need to send him away again
Johnny:How? He seems invincible
Hayden:I don't know. But I guess I don't need to stay there anymore
Carson:You aren't staying at your house?
Hayden:Not after I graduate. I can't be there anymore. And I know it will help if I just stay away from him. Even if he is my dad
Carson:So, you don't want to send him away?
I hesitate. But change my mind
Hayden:I guess not

I walked into theatre class, and Miss Florence was working at her desk. So, I approached her
Annie:Hi, Miss F
She looked up at me
Miss F:Annie, what's up?
Annie:I just came to see you. I'm graduating on Friday
Miss F:Yes, i've heard
Annie:I also wanted to tell you that i'm going to New York for an arts college in the fall
Miss F stands up
Miss F:Really? I'm so happy for you, Annie
She comes over to me and hugs me
Annie:Thank you
Miss F:You deserve it. You have been probably my hardest working student by far
Miss F:Yep. I haven't seen somebody so passionate about performing in a long time. Usually students that join theatre just want to get out of the other activities. But you chose it right away. You are inspiring, Annie. And I know you are going to do great things
Annie:Thank you, Miss F. You know, when I joined theatre. I wanted to try something new. I was very shy in middle school, but I wanted to change. And you showed me my love for theatre. Thank you, Miss F
Miss F:Anytime
I hugged her and left the theatre. I'm going to miss her as a teacher.

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