𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒾 𝓈𝓊𝓅𝓅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑜?🥀

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A week had passed since I saw Hayden get beat up by his dad. And it just didn't sit right with me that he was treated like that. I tried distracting myself all week with school and the play, but I knew Hayden needed help. I went home after school, but nobody was home. I saw a note on the kitchen island

"Hey, honey. I had to take Hayley to a birthday party, so we will be back by 7. See you soon"

I guess I'm home alone for the evening. I walked in my room and started on my homework for english class. It wasn't much, which I was happy about.
A couple hours passed and I just finished my homework. I put my stuff back in my backpack, and looked at the clock. 5:50. I then started thinking about what happened to Hayden. He cannot go through that again. I can't let him. I need to end this because I know that Hayden won't. I pick up my phone and slowly dial 911.

I was chilling with Carson, and I decided to go home. I need to just go home and not bother him anymore
Hayden:Hey, um, thanks for letting me stay with you. I'm surprised your parents put up with me for so long
Carson:Hey, it's no trouble
We did our bro handshake and I started walking out the door
I turn back to him
Carson:Be careful, okay?
Hayden:I'll try
I leave his house and get in my truck parked across the street. I started it and right as I was about to pull out into the street, a couple of cop cars rushed past me. I ignore them and drive home.
Right as I pulled up to my house, I saw those same cop cars parked outside my house. They were dragging my dad to one of the cars. I quickly got out and rushed over to my dad
Hayden:What the fuck is going on?
Jimmy:I'm being arrested, boy. I didn't think you had the guts
Hayden:I didn't call them
Jimmy:Sure you didn't
A cop pushed him inside the back of one of the cars. The cops then get in and drive away.
I couldn't do anything and I felt horrible. Even though he hurt me...I still cared for him. I went inside, and the house was still like it was a week ago. Messy and lonely. I felt something in me that I haven't gotten in awhile. Anger came over me and I started throwing and smashing everything in sight. I can't do this anymore. My dad is in jail. I didn't even call the cops. But how did they find out about what my dad was doing to me? How did this happen?
I sat down on the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. This cannot be happening. Have I really lost him for good? I looked over at the fridge, got up and grabbed a beer. I don't usually drink, but I think I need to clear my head right now.

It was the week of the play, and opening night was on Wednesday. I was so excited. I walked into the theatre Monday morning and I was in a happy mood. I was talking with my friends.
Jayden:I'm sooo excited for opening night
Anna:Me too
Lilia:I just want it to be Wednesday already
Annie:Well, then let's work hard and then Wednesday will be here
We continued the rest of the day, and I never saw Hayden at rehearsal all day.
Miss F walked over to me at the end of rehearsals
Miss F:Annie?
Miss F:Do you mind checking in on Hayden? I checked with other teachers and he hasn't been to his classes all day. I'm a little worried because we all have to be at our best for Wednesday
Annie:I'll make sure he is okay
Miss F:Good

I walked out of school and drove over to Carson's house. I knocked on the door and Carson answered
Carson:Oh, hey Annie. What are you doing here?
Annie:Um, i'm looking for Hayden
Carson:He left last night
Carson:Wait, why are you so shocked? Did Hayden tell you?
Annie:Yeah...he did
Carson:Well, he must be at his house
Annie:Oh god!
I start to walk back to my car
Annie:Thanks, Carson
Carson:No problem
He closed the door and I drove to Hayden's house.

I parked on the side of the street and knocked on the door. Nothing. I opened the door and called for Hayden
Annie:Hayden? Are you here?
I looked around the house, and everything was thrown all around the floor and things were smashed. What happened here? I then see Hayden walk downstairs. His eyes were red and his hair was messy. He didn't have a shirt on and he looked like he had been up all night. He walked over to me
Hayden:Hey, Anns
Annie:Hayden, what happened?
He grabbed a beer bottle from the coffee table
Hayden:Nothing happened
He was about to take a drink, but I grabbed it out of his hands
Annie:So, this is what you're doing now? Trying to drink away your problems?
Hayden:Why can't I?
He sat down on the couch and I sat next to him
Annie:You can talk to me, you know?
Hayden:Yeah, I know
Annie:So, tell me...what's wrong?
He sighed
Hayden:I don't know if I want to tell you
Annie:Why not?
Hayden:I don't want to get you involved
Annie:Hayden, you have to tell me...please? We're in too deep now
Hayden:They arrested my dad last night
I looked at him shocked. And then I remembered how that happened. I totally forgot that I called the cops on Hayden's dad.
Hayden:I know, he was hurting me...but he still cared for me. He's my dad. And now he's behind bars. I don't even know how this fucking happened. The only people that knew were John, Carson, and you
Do I tell him? Maybe I should
He stands up
Hayden:I swear to god whoever did this is going to fucking pay. If my life wasn't shitty enough before. It's even more shitty now
I stand up slowly
He looks at me
Annie:I know...who called the cops on your dad
He looks at me surprised
Hayden:Actually?! Who was it?
I let out a huge sigh and play with my fingernails
Annie:Um...it was me
His eyes widened and he stepped back
Hayden:Woah! Annie, you have to be messing with me. Please, tell me you're joking
He shakes his head and searches my eyes for the truth
Annie:But i'm not. See I knew how much he was hurting you, so-
Hayden:He's my dad, Annie! Yes he was hurting me, but I didn't want him fucking arrested!
He was angry now and started to yell and get mad at me. I knew I shouldn't have told him
Annie:I know, but-
Hayden:Annie, how could you do this? I thought I knew you, but I guess I was wrong
Annie:He was hurting you, Hayden! I knew that I had to do something. No matter the consequences
I crossed my arms and he shook his head
Hayden:Annie, you don't understand. He cared for me no matter how hard he hit me. It didn't even affect you, but you did it anyway! You get to go back home to a house filled with love and support. And I get to stay here in a torn up house filled with alcohol and anger. How the fuck could you be so clueless?!
I looked at him mad and disappointed in how he was talking about the situation. He just doesn't get it.
Annie:What was I supposed to do?! Watch as he keeps hitting you and hitting you until you end up fucking dead on this floor?!
Hayden:But you didn't have to get involved in this! I could have handled him!
Annie:No you couldn't!
Hayden:Yes I could!
Annie:How could you ever think you could win against your dad? He is ruthless and terrible!
Hayden:But he was all I had, Annie! Don't you see that? Everybody in my life is disappearing! All of my brothers are travelling around the world and working hard, while I was stuck with my abusive dad! And you have no idea what that feels like. Having to deal with all that shitty stuff!
Annie:Yeah, well I may have a so-called "better" homelife than you, but don't forget that I have dealt with shitty stuff too. My own brother died 7 years ago, my parents split up, and my dad has a new girlfriend! So, don't even talk to me about having a "perfect" life. Because I don't even have one either!
The room was silent for a few minutes. We were both breathing heavily from yelling at each other. The tension was visible now. We just looked into each other's eyes. His eyes were filled with hurt. I felt terrible for what I did, but I also feel like it was the right thing to do. I looked at his chest and stomach. They had multiple scars and bruises still
Annie:Who gave you those?
Hayden looks at his chest and stomach then back at me
Hayden:My dad
Annie:Yeah, sorry for saving your life
I walked out of his house, I could hear him behind me
Hayden:Annie, wait!
I got back in my car. I started crying because of how he was treating me. I quickly drove away before he could stop me. I was still crying. I was doing him a favour and he just treated me like shit. I cannot believe him right now.

I watched as she drove away and I went inside. I can't believe Annie called the cops on my dad. I didn't even think she would be the one to do so, but she did. And when she told me, I was angry. Angry at her, angry at me, angry at my dad, and angry at the situation I was in now. When she walked out of my house, I followed her, I wanted to apologize to her, but she was crying. I hurt her and I felt terrible for how I treated her. She was protecting me, and I just lashed out on her. She didn't deserve that.
But she sent him away before even telling me about it. She had no heart at the time, and now she probably hates my guts. And I'm going to have to see her everyday this week. And kiss her, on stage, in front of a bunch of people, four nights in a row.
What the fuck just happened?


//This chapter was soooo hard to write. Also the fight scene broke me. I was crying while writing this chapter too😭😭
what do you think will happen with Annie and Hayden?
New chapter soon ;) ~ A♡ \\

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