𝒾 𝒹𝒾𝒹🥀

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I woke up to see the sun shining right on my face. I squinted and looked beside me to see Hayden lying there. I smiled to myself seeing him asleep again. Then I thought about what happened last night.  I just did it for the first time, and I felt scared and confused. What have we done? I sat up and looked beside me and he was starting to wake up. He opened his eyes
Hayden:Hey, Anns
He slowly sat up
Hayden:Is everything okay?
Annie:Did we really...do that?
He looks at me confused then realizes
I look down at my fingernails. What just happened?
Hayden:Hey, it's okay. I'm so sorry for everything. If-
He stops talking and just looks at me
Annie:It was good. I'm not blaming you, I...enjoyed it
He smirks at me and I hear a buzz on the side table. I grabbed my phone and saw a bunch of texts from Jayden, Lilia, and Anna. I also saw the time. It was 12pm
Annie:Oh my god
I got up and started looking for my clothes
Hayden:What's wrong?
Annie:I'm,um...late to hang out with my friends. I was supposed to meet them at Anna's
I found my clothes and they were still damp
Annie:Oh, great. Now I have to go home and get new clothes.
Hayden:I'll drive you
I grab my damp clothes and then realize that I was still wearing Hayden't hoodie
Annie:Do you want this back?
Hayden:No, you keep it for now. You need to wear something. And that's probably your only option
I nod and smile to myself.
He grabs his keys and we head to his truck. We get in and he drives me home.

Once we got there, he parked along the street. I just looked at my house, I don't want to face my mom right now
Annie:Thank you
Hayden:No problem
Annie:I'll see you later
I get out and close the door behind me.

I walked through my door in my room. I put my wet clothes in my hamper and picked out some fresh clothes. I changed and got ready. Once I finished my makeup, there was a knock at my door.
Annie:Come in
The door opened and Hayley walked in
Annie:Hey, Hayley
She closed the door behind her
Hayley:Look, I know you and mom are in a fight right now. But you have to apologize to her. She has been a wreck lately
Annie:She has, why?
Hayley:Because, dad is coming tomorrow, with his new girlfriend. And mom is nervous to meet her
Annie:What? Why is dad coming here?
Hayley:He wanted to see us, but I honestly don't want to see him
She crosses her arms
Annie:Yeah...me too
Hayley:But you need to apologize to her. I don't want to see her all depressed
Annie:Ok, i'll talk to her
Hayley:Good, and where were you last night. I came in here to ask about mom, but you weren't here
Annie:I...was at a friends
Hayley raises an eyebrow at me and shrugs
Hayley:Ok, i'm gonna go. Make sure and talk to mom, okay?
She left my room and I smiled. Hayley has grown up so much.
She is now thirteen, and is more responsible than I am. She acts like my big sister. She even gives great advice. Maybe I could talk to her about what happened between Hayden and I last night. No, I shouldn't. It was in the heat of the moment. I brushed that thought off and grabbed my jacket and hopped in my car. I then drove to Anna's. Hopefully they all won't be mad at me

When I got home from dropping Annie off, there was this thought in me to go and see my dad. So, I sat across from the glass and waited for him to come. I don't know how I feel about this, but I have a feeling I have to talk to him. I was nervous and angry. What am I going to say to him? He probably still thinks I called hen cops.
A guard brought my dad over and sat him down across from me. He glared at me and grabbed the phone
Jimmy:I wasn't expecting you, boy
Hayden:I thought I may as well come and see you
Jimmy:You wanted to see me?
Hayden:I just wanted to clear things up
Jimmy:If you wanna clear things up, then tell me who got me fucking sent away?!
I sat there silent
Jimmy:Oh! I know what this is
Hayden:You do?
Jimmy:You don't want to rat out your slut, don't you?
Hayden:Annie is not a slut
He rolled his eyes
Jimmy:Look, boy. She was most likely the one. So, just tell me, and I'll be on my way back in there
Hayden:She didn't do it
Jimmy:Then who did?
Shit. I don't want Annie to be on his bad side.
Hayden:I did
Jimmy:You sent me here?!
Hayden:Yeah...I did
Jimmy:Boy, when I get out of this fucking place-
A couple of guards come over and take him away. He was yelling at me still, but I just ignored him. I can't believe what I just did.

I wasn't late to hang out with my friends, so when I walked in, they were just hanging out in the living room
Anna:Annie, you're here
Lilia:Where were you?
I sat down next to them
Annie:I had a fight with my mom last night
Will:What happened?
Annie:She was mad that I went to the party last night, and she is stressed because my dad is coming over and bringing his new girlfriend.
They all looked at me
Anna:Aww, i'm so sorry, Anns
Annie:It's okay


//Hey! Sorry for the inactivity...but I'm posting one more chapter to make up for not posting.
Also Annie changed her names to jules!! I live it!
I was thinking if I should change her name in this story, but I'm just going to leave it. There is no point going back now. But when I post other stories I might change it, we'll see ;) ~A♡ \\

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