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Jungkook was now at Yoongi's apartment, on his couch watching tv. He hadn't finished cleaning up the room even though he had a lot of time. So he decided to crash at his hyung's apartment.

"You're not planning on sleeping here tomorrow night too, are you?" Yoongi asked as he plopped next to him.

"Wahh! You already want to kick me out?" He clutched his chest acting offended.

"Of course. I can't sleep peacefully because of you." He yawned.

"You are rude"

"I'm not just rude. I am sassy too and I've got a lot of swag".

"Don't make me puke over your couch" he said making weird noises of puking,which made his hyung catch him in a headlock.

"Did you like properly said goodbye before leaving? I guess you won't be going home much now" Yoongi asked when both had stopped laughing.

"Yep I did. Dad was really happy I decided to move. He wanted me to make more friends and get the real feel of uni."

"I can't believe you didn't say anything to Rose. She lives right across the street doesn't she? Are you really over her?"

"Yes hyung. I am. Both of us decided that it was best for us to break up since the feelings were off." He said and stayed silent for some time before continuing. "After 'her' none of them feels right. It does not work out. She was the one hyung. I know it. If she hadntmoved maybe everything would have worked out" sadness was laced over his voice as he spoke.

"All high school relationships does not work out Jungkook. You are going to meet someone else. There is a long life awaiting you. You are going to meet someone who will love you, who will make your heart go crazy, who will make you forget everything, who will make you fall in love."

The younger was amazed by the little speech of his hyung. "Woah! Are you really giving me love advice? I never thought a day like this would come." His eyes widened in disbelief which earned  an eye roll from the latter.

"You don't know me enough. I am good at this things".

"Pfft, do you remember that time when I asked you how to ask a girl out?" The younger smirked at the memory.

"Pfft, do you remember that time when I asked you how to ask a girl out?" The younger smirked at the memory

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I had to add this. It's not mine.
Credits to the rightful owner.

In case you didn't get to see the pic-
JK: How do you ask a girl out?
SG: Easy. You open the door and say,
     "Get out, you are bothering me."
JK: Why are you like this.

"That was a long time ago. I'm a lot mature and smart now."

"Smart my ass" Jungkook smirked making Yoongi twist his ear. "Ahh..!"

"Watch your language, kid"

"I'm not a kid anymore."

"You'll always be a kid to me, kid"

"We are just an year apart"

"We are almost two years apart and we'll that doesn't matter since my mental age is maybe like 26 and yours is 3" he held up three fingers, mocking the younger.

"Whatever you say Smarty pants"

Jungkook was back in his dorm, hastily buttoning up his shirt and checking for the third time he hadn't forgotten his pants.

He and Yoongi had decided to have lunch together,  which the younger had totally forgotten about. Seeing the 'be there in 5' text from his hyung, he went crazy and started changing, because he knew how mad Yoongi would be for wasting his precious time of sleep.

He unlocked the door hurriedly, just to turn back remembering his shoes. Suddenly his phone rang 'Grumpy pants' popping up on the screen.

"Yah! I want to see you in front, the second I pull over. If not I'm gonna beat your ass up" Yoongi threatened over the phone.

Jungkook now held the phone pressed between his head and shoulder, with his both hands struggling to tie up the shoelaces, while jumping around on one leg.

"I am ready hyung! Just wait a minute" he slightly panted.

"No buddy. No waiting-" just then the door opened making him turn around swiftly. Just as he caught the sight of someone unfamiliar standing there staring at him surprised, he slipped and fell.

The phone flew away to the side while he fell on his butt hard and hit the back of his head.

He groaned rubbing the back of his head and sat up. "Omg! Are you okay?" The stranger asked. Jungkook looked up to see the boy crouching down next to him concerned.

Jungkook noticed the boy's features. His black hair fell over his forehead. He had a small chubby face and pink plumb lips.

He thought how it was possible for a guy to be that cute and pretty.

"Ah. Yeah. I am fine" he mumbled at last when he realised the stranger had just asked him a question.

The boy offered him a hand, which he gladly accepted and stood up.

He noticed the guy was shorter than him and it made him a lot cuter.

There was an awkward silence while both just stared at each other.

"Uh.. I am Park Jimin. I guess you are my roomate."

Jungkook looked at the hand for a few moments before coming back to his senses and shook his hand.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook" he said awkwardly and released his hands.
"Um.. that was an embarrassing way to meet." He scratched his neck embarrassed, earning a soft chuckle from the latter.

"It's fine" when the silence seemed to make its way back the shorter male said. "Um. You were going somewhere?" He asked pointing towards the door.

"Oh man. Shit!" Jungkook cursed as he looked for his phone. He grabbed it from the floor, hoping it was not broken and walked towards the door, facing Jimin. "Um. I'm sorry. I gotta go. I'm already late." He turned around grabbing the door knob, only to turn back when the black haired boy called.

"Wait! .....Uh..... Your zip" he murmured, his cheeks turning pink, without keeping eye contact.

Jungkook's hand suddenly went over to the zip of his jeans pulling it up. He internally thanked God that he was wearing a black underwear instead of the iron man one.

"Uh.. thanks" he thanked softly rushing out of the room, blushing hard.

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