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"What did you mean when you said this has happened before?" Yoongi asked taking a bite from his ice-cream.

"Uh... A few weeks ago... Jimin came out to me." Jungkook  said not sure if he was right to say it.

"Yeah! He told me last week. That's when you know... I considered about talking to you." Yoongi was still a bit nervous about it.

"Someone convinced you, right?" He asked finishing his ice cream.

"Hobi" Yoongi smiled at how well his friend knew him. " And... I'll tell this now. I don't want you to know this from someone else... I like Hobi".

"Wait is Hobi hyung gay too?"

"He's bi"

"I kinda knew you liked him. But not like.. romantically, you know?" Yoongi nodded to the younger's words.

"So are you guys a thing?"

"No. No. We are not"

"But Hobi hyung likes you too." Jungkook, now knowing Hobi liked guys, was sure he liked Yoongi, because we'll he is really obvious.

"I think so too. But we haven't confessed... Yet" Yoongi smiled unknowingly.

"Stop undressing him in your head. You are so dirty minded." Jungkook teased and shoved him.

"Stfu." Yoongi warned and held him ina headlock, smiling.

"Well hyung. You haven't dated any guys, so how did you find out you're gay?"

"I've dated girls and I knew I was not attracted to them. I found men attractive."

"Did you find me attractive?" Jungkook asked and started flexing his biceps. Both laughed.

"How can anyone find you attractive. You are such a baby in everyone's eyes."

"Hyung! I'm not a baby."

"Then why do you act like one?" Both walked silently for a while. Yoongi had not brought his car today, so both were walking.

"You don't find any girls attractive? I thought you said you wanted to be in a relationship." Jungkook was surprised by the question and his thought suddenly ran to Jimin. He mentally slapped himself for the stupid thought.

"Uh.. no I don't".

"What about that Mina girl in our class?"

"Mina?" Jungkook took a while to think. "Ah! Mina. But she's not my type."

"You've not seen anyone interesting this year have you? Otherwise you wouldn't have stopped rambling to me about her."

"Yeah." Although he wanted to talk about his feelings for Jimin he resisted.

"Can I ask you something?" Yoongi's sudden seriousness made Jungkook almost stop in his tracks.


"Do you like Jimin?" The question made him choke on his own saliva.

"What? No- no i- I don't"

"For the past few weeks I've been noticing this. You stare at him a lot. You act like he is the only one in this world." Yoongi saw that Jungkook was avoiding his eyes.

"I don't" Jungkook tried to defend himself but on earning a good glare from his hyung he said ." I don't know hyung. I get these weird feeling around. I don't know what to call them. I've liked girls for my whole life and then suddenly I find him attractive. What's wrong with me hyung?"

"There's nothing wrong with you. Maybe you like him. It's not a big thing."

"It's not a big thing? Of course it is. I'm straight. I've always been straight. I want to be straight." He whispered wanting himself to believe it so badly.

Yoongi did not want to pressurize him. " Calm down Jungkook. You are not turning gay. Maybe you're just confused. Give it some time and think about it later."



So I'm back with yet another chapter.

Things are going fast.

I know!!!

There are stories which take a long time to get to all these part. But I want this one to be fast.

If you read this chapter you understand that all the things are not happening on the same day (like Jimin and Yoongi coming out)

There's a few weeks time difference between them.

I hope you understood it later.

Thanks for reading.


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