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Jimin, though already awake, didn't wanted to move. He lied still pressed against Jungkook. From the moment he had woken up he had tried convincing himself that Jungkook was just being nice and replacing for his friend on his absence. But still his heart refused to accept it.

He felt him groan and move, so Jimin slightly leaned away from his grip. Jungkook turned his back against him and went back to sleep.

Jimin stood up and decided he should let him sleep so as to escape a really awkward situation.

He freshened up and got ready. He took a post it note and a pen.

Thank you. Going out to get us some breakfast. Be back soon.

He left the note on Jungkook's table.

Jungkook and Jimin had just reached the campus when Taemin joined them. "Good morning Jimin".

"G' morning Taemin hyung." Jimin said with a wide smile. Taemin looked at Jungkook and greeted him with a hi. Though he wanted to ignore him, he greeted him back since he didn't want Jimin to be disappointed in him.
But even from his voice it sounded how totally uninterested he was to talk to him.

The three walked together, Jimin engrossed in the talk with Taemin, making Jungkook clench his jaw and roll his eyes.

"Okay then Jimin. I'll see you in the evening. You are staying to practice aren't you?" Taemin asked.

"Of course".

"Okay. I'll see you after practice." He finished and left.

"He likes you". Jungkook said, accusation in his voice.

"What? Taemin hyung?" Jimin was shocked and startled.

"Yeah". He nodded angrily.

"No. He sees me just as a friend". He defended.

"Do you see the way he looks at you? He's trying to flirt with you".

"Flirt? What's wrong with you? We are friends".

"I bet he doesn't see it that way"

Jimin stopped making Jungkook stop as well.

"Why are you asking me about this?"

The question made Jungkook angry. Angry at himself.

Why should I interfere in his business. Why does this bother me so much?
His eyebrows furrowed in anger and he walked away leaving behind a confused Jimin.

Jimin had finished his practice for the day. He was practicing for the competition hard, he wanted to win it really badly.

"Hey!" Taemin entered the room when Jimin was drinking water.

"Hey" Jimin kept down the bottle and sat down on the floor.

"I kinda had to tell you something, so I asked you to meet me". He said suddenly turning serious.

"Okay" Jimin waited.

"Jimin ah, I like you. Like like you, in a romantic way."

Jimin was utterly shocked. No words left his mouth.

"Jimin?" That made him close his mouth.

"Hyung..." He started after a long moment."..You know I see you only as a friend." He remembered the conversation he had with Jungkook in the morning.

"I know that. But you could try. We both are single and get along really well. We can be great together." Even though Taemin looked pleading, Jimin knew he couldn't. He could never.

"Getting along well doesn't really mean we are meant to be with each other. We are great friends and I like it to be that way." Jimin felt really sorry for him. "I'm sorry. I hope you understand."

"I do. I'll be fine. I.....I just had to tell you this. I don't want to regret not telling you."

"And I appreciate that." Jimin smiled sincerely which the other returned.

Jungkook was looking for Yoongi. He had not payed attention in the class and had dozed it. He needed Yoongi to share the notes with him. Let's just pray he was awake in the class.

Not finding Yoongi in the department building he knew that he must be with his boyfriend. Yes they were now together, though they had decided to take it a bit slow.

When he texted Yoongi, he had not replied. Thus he looked almost everywhere. When he was about to go for the stairs he heard someone talking who he was pretty sure was Jimin.

"Why did you come to me? I think Taemin hyung can help you with that." It was Hobi's voice.

Hearing Taemin's name Jungkook stopped from joining them and moved aside.

"I'm keeping a bit distance from him."

"Why did he do something? I'm gonna kill him-" Yoongi hyung's voice did sound threatening.

"No hyung! He didn't do anything. He confessed his feelings to me and I kinda rejected him. I thought I should give him some space for sometime". Jimin sounded worried for him and this angered Jungkook though he had rejected him.

He felt confused by the anger, so he just left from there and headed to dorm since his classes for the day was over.


Tell me what you think.

Drama started. It kinda doesn't make sense to me. But I hope it does to you.

Thank you for reading.

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