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"Why didn't you tell me this before?" He didn't sound angry but he sounded embarrassed.

"I was not ready. It was really hard for me to come out to my family and friends and I didn't wanted to make you uncomfortable. You have all the right to be mad" Jimin's palm were getting sweaty.

"Mad? Do I look like I'm mad? I'm totally embarrassed right now. If you had told me I wouldn't have given you all those girl talk and all. I'm so sorry"

"You don't have to say sorry. It was my fault I didn't tell you earlier. You couldn't guess?" Jimin asked.

"Guess? How am I supposed to guess this? You don't flirt with anyone. I just thought you were not interested in anybody" Jungkook's eyebrows were still furrowed but on seeing Jimin smile he couldn't resist smiling back.

They laughed quietly, then Jungkook said. "I'm glad you told me"

"Me too".

Jungkook was really glad he had told him. He felt like there were now no secrets between them. But he was deep down happy(?) Jimin was gay?
And he couldn't figure out why.

Do I like Jimin? He thought

Yeah. You look like a whipped man to me. His inner self teased.

Oh shut up. I'm straight. I've been straight for my whole life and I don't find other guys attractive.

You don't find other guys attractive. But you do find Jimin.

That's because... He couldn't come up with a reason.

He is cute, pretty, beautiful and look absolutely ethereal..

Even he couldn't believe what he was saying. He slapped himself on his cheek.

I know I just admire him for his beauty that's all

But he has a great personality too don't he?

Yeah that's true, he's the greatest person I've ever met. And he has the most angelic voice-

He jumped up from the bed and headed to the door. He wanted to clear his mind RIGHT NOW.

"Where are you going?" Jimin had just came out of the bathroom.

"Uhh... I - I'll go and get some snacks from the vending machine." Jungkook said and quickly shut the door behind him.

"Yoongi hyung! Here." Jungkook called waving his hand over his head. He was sitting on the bleachers and he pulled out the earphones plugged in his ears.

Their classes were over and Yoongi had asked him to see him after class.

Yoongi rushed over to were Jungkook was and sat next to him.

"Why did you ask to meet me?"

"I wanted to tell you something"

"This is already giving me creeps. Wait.. I think I just had a deja vu."

"Okay just here me out, okay? I've wanted to tell you this for a long time. You are my best friend and you should know it -"

"Quit rambling and say it already."

"I'm gay" Yoongi said quickly. Jungkook looked confused for a moment.

"I knew this had happened before" he frowned.  "Okay... But what? You're gay??? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your best friend."

"I know. You are my best friend and that is why telling you was the hardest. I didn't wanted you to see me any differently." Yoongi didn't met his eyes. He kept his eyes on the ground.

"Hyung, this doesn't make you any different. You were always my best friend who's sassy and grumpy and who acts like you don't give a shit in this world but still do and you still are". He held Yoongi's hands and gave him a reassuring smile. Yoongi smiled back.

"I appreciate your words but take your hands off mine, you little shit."

Jungkook raised his hands in a surrender position before both stared cracking up.

"Wait." Jungkook suddenly stopped and turned serious. "I'm the last person to know. You told others, didn't you?"

"Well... Kinda" he rubbed his neck nervously. He was expecting the younger to be mad.

"Well, I don't care. As far as I know, I'm good"

"Jungkook ah I know you are not fine with it. It's okay to be mad at me."

"But I don't want to be mad at you... Okay... I'm not fine with it. Come on." He pulled up Yoongi as he stood up. "But me ice creams, till I forgive you."

"You realise it only takes one for you to forgive me, don't you?" Yoongi smirked.

"I know.." he groaned sadly. "What can I do? I can't stay mad at you, grumpy pants."


Here. Goes. Another. One.

I didn't wanted the whole story to revolve around Jungkook and Jimin. So this is moments with our Suga.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Ba bye !!!👋

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