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Life is the reason we are here. Love is the reason we stay - Anonymous


"You guys had some pretty serious fight?" Jin asked. The 7 had decided to go clubbing since it was a Friday night.

"It was not that serious." Jimin took a sip of his drink, the taste burning his throat. He was not used to drinking strong alcohol.

"Jimin. I've known you for years. You don't avoid someone like that unless you were really hurt." Jin , Jimin and Namjoon sat on the bar stools while Jungkook and  Taehyung were dancing wildly on the dance floor with Hobi trying to make Yoongi dance with him.

Jimin glanced at Jungkook. For a music major student he was dancing exceptionally well.

"You like him don't you?" Jimin choked at the words of Namjoon.

"Wh- what? No! I- I don-n't." Jimin stuttered to which Jin and Namjoon shared a smile.

"You can be honest with us Jimin" Jin assured.

"But he is straight and we have great friendship right now. I don't want to ruin anything."

The other two didn't knew what to say. They knew that Jungkook only considered him as a friend but they didn't wanted Jimin to give upon his feelings yet they still wanted him to. So they both kept quiet.

Jimin when glanced at Jungkook again, he saw a girl grinding on him and he felt like he wanted to cry.

His hyung noticed the scene and turned to look at Jimin who was on the verge of crying.

"Look Jimin. Try to control your feelings. We don't want to see you like this." Jin grabbed his shoulder in a consoling way.

"I'll try hyung." He smiled sadly at his hyung. "Thanks...but why does this hurt so much?"

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other. Both not knowing what to say. After a short silence Namjoon said.

"Love doesn't hurt, loving the wrong person does."

Jungkook was passed out on his bed after Jin had dropped them on their dorm. Jimin was still wide awake.

'Do I love Jungkook? I like him. But that doesn't mean I'm in love with him.' thoughts like this filled his mind. To Jimin Love na Like had huge different meany. He couldn't explain what it was but he still believed it so.

He convinced himself that it was just a crush which he will get over soon and fell asleep.

taelien has changed the group name from
'The Dude Guys' to 'Party Balls'

Are you still in hangover?
Cause I am.

I told you to stop and as always
you didn't listen.
Now stop complaining

I thought I would have a good day,
But you've already ruined it Jin hyung.

Okay please stop.
We don't want to blow up our phones with your argument.

Waah! Look at this brat.
Is this how I raised you? I'm your brother you dipshit. And don't interrupt joonie.

What? Taehyung and Jin hyung are brothers? Why didn't nobody tell me.

You should pay attention to what we are saying you dumbfuck.
You are busy all the time blabbering with Jimin.

Yah! Jung Hosoek. Don't teach him such bad words.

I know things worse than that Jin hyung. Do I need to keep reminding you that I am not so innocent?

Yah! I'm trying to sleep. It's 10 IN THE MORNING FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

Hyung! Did you forget about the appointment. We have to leave by 11.

Of course. I didn't Hobi. You know I don't need much time to get ready. Don't worry.

OMG! Someone hacked Yoongi hyung's phone!!!

Stfu kid.

By the way what appointment?

It's a secret. You'll know it in the evening.

And I am a part of this secret you fuckers. HaHa!

We invited you just because of Jimin. Remember that.

I know. By the way, where is Jimin?



Jungkook where's Jimin?

He's still asleep hyung. Do you want me to wake him up? He looks tired.

Of course wake him up. He has to get ready.

Good morning guys

Jimin ah!. Don't forget about the appointment okay?

Yeah, hyung.

Why is he such an asshole to just me? This is DiSCrimInaTIon Yoongi hyung!

Fuck off.

Jimin ah! Are you okay?

I'm fine hyung.
Don't worry.

Why is there a special 'are you okay' for Jimin? You don't even ask your own brother that.

"Jimin. Is there something wrong?" Jungkook asked Jimin as he stood up from his bed and stretched.

"No. Nothing. Just tired." Jimin gave him a small smile and walked to the bathroom.

Jungkook knew that Jimin doesn't stay in bed that long. So he was worried.


I love Namjin 💓💜💖

I would love to make them a couple but then there would be too much gayness.

I want them to be really close friends. Hope you understand.

I sorry if you are not used to lot of swearing. But they are college students. They should do some cussing shouldn't they?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

If you could vote and comment it would mean the world to me 💖😘❤️💓💞💜


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