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Please read the author's note at the end


"Ah hyung! How could have I messed up so bad. This must have been the worst first impression anyone ever had" he was whining again as Yoongi and Jungkook sat inside the car after spending the evening at Yoongi's because he was still very embarrassed to meet his roomate

"What about the time we first met. You had paint all over your shirt and face as you were fighting with some other girl. She had pulled your pants down and you were standing there wearing your Pokemon underwear. You then splashed paint almost all over the class covering me in paint. I can't still believe how we became friends"

"Ah! Hyung. We promised not to talk about this anymore." He started pouting.

"I never did" Yoongi chuckled.

"That was in elementary school. I was a kid back then. But now I'm more grown up and mature. This is not supposed to happen anymore." He messed his hair up for almost the 16th time, feeling frustrated.

"You? GROWN UP and MATURE?" Yoongi looked at him in disbelief. "That is the funniest thing I have ever heard in my whole existence. But still I make better jokes than you. But this was a good one" Jungkook ignored his hyung's rambling, feeling bored.

"Yah did you hear what I said. Get off. This is your stop." Yoongi said again gaining the younger's attention. He looked up from his phone. He groaned once again, getting off the car with a quiet goodbye.

'You know what? Act like nothing happened'

'How is that even possible? That is all what I can think of' His mind was filled up with the argument of him with himself.

'First impression should not always be the best impression'

'It always is. He's gonna think I'm some kind of clumsy, stupid, awkward slinthead'

'You can't just dwell on this, can you? Are you gonna ignore him for the rest of your life? Now GET UP THEIR AND BE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON'  he mentally yelled at himself.

"Normal! Yes I can be normal." He started talking to himself. "Act normal. Don't do anything abnormal. Walk like a normal person. Talk like a normal person. Normal. Noorrrmaaal.
.... Gosh have I gone crazy? This is totally abnormal".

When he opened the door and walked in, his new roommate smiled at him from his bed. Jungkook smiled back totally forgetting about the list of do's and don'ts he just came up with while walking up here.

Jimin was sitting on his bed checking his phone. He went back to whatever he was watching when Jungkook slowly walked to his side of room and took a t-shirt and shorts from his closet. He decided to change in the bathroom thinking if his roommate would find it uncomfortable to see him change in the room.

When he came back Jimin was no longer in his phone. He looked as if he was waiting for Jungkook.

"Hey" Jungkook greeted him with a small smile.

"Hi!.... I was wondering if we could like talk or something. You know after all we are going to be roommate for at least a year. So it would be better if we could.... Know each other?" He asked as he sat cross legged on the bed.

"Oh! .. I mean yeah... Sure" Jungkook settled on his own bed facing the shorter.

"You know we are going to be roommates. So if there are some kind of thii you don't want me to do or smth you can tell me". He made small gestures with his hands which the other found adorable.

"Umm.. I don't really have that kind of rules. We should respect each other's privacy? I don't know... that's only what I can come up with right now. " Jungkook nervously rubbed his neck. This was his first time moving away from home and having a roommate, so he was confused.

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