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Ever since the age of two,Fumiko was raised to be the perfect daughter and perfect wife for her future husband.

All she's ever known was trying to her best exceed her father's incredibly high expectations for her,so she could make her father proud and be the daughter he always wanted her to be.

However,it wasn't easy to exceed his expectations because her father wasn't easy to impress.Making her sure her hair was always in pristine condition whenever he saw her often made Fumiko anxious.

Fumiko would wash her very long,jet black hair and comb her hair from the roots of her head to the sides of her hips three times,just to make sure a single strand of hair was never out of place.

Then,she would choose a hair accessory to compliment whatever dress and short sleeve cardigan sweater she was wearing.Usually she would choose a headband matching the color of the cardigan or a silver flower hairclip to pin a side of her hair back.

Fumiko didn't except much praise or attention from her father by doing what he already excepted from her,but she still put all of her effort in making a good presentation of her appearance since this what her future husband would want from her.At least that's what her father has always taught her,one of the myriad of lessons she was taught so far by her father.

But,taking near perfect care of her hygiene and physical appearance wasn't the hardest part of trying to live up to her father's expectations.Nowhere the hardest part,Fumiko always took extreme pride in her appearance and she actually enjoyed do so.

It was other forms of scrutiny of her personal life that would make Fumiko feel upset or even slightly perturbed.Fumiko's diet was one of those parts of her personal life her father heavily controlled,which lead to Fumiko becoming more and more self-conscious about her body.

She thought it was normal for a little girl to hate her body when she stepped on the scale,even though she was at perfectly healthy weight for a 10 year old girl...unbeknownst to Fumiko at the time.Her father's words and ways of "helping" made her feel worse,which only her diet worse.

"Honey,I'm doing this for own don't need to get chubby because I let eat whatever you want." Fumiko's father said,cutting her dinner in half and putting the rest into a tupperware container.

Fumiko stared at her small, half empty bowl of white rice,half of a small piece of lean chicken,and a small serving of broccoli.She frowned at her dinner,hoping the half servings of her meal would be enough to get her through the night without hunger pains.Fumiko grimaced at the thought of losing sleep due to hunger pain and nausea-incuded hunger pain.

"Stop complaining,beauty is pain and you need to face the pain rather than whine about it."Fumiko muttered to herself,scolding herself for being greedy.

"Dad is right,you don't need that much food...don't be gluttonous."She mentally reminded herself,trying to show some self-restraint.However,her stomach said otherwise and let everyone at the table know by growling.Fumiko looked down at her plate and saw no food had remained,which shocked her and made her eyes widened almost as big as her dinner plate.

"Dad,I think Fumiko is still hungry!" Charlotte exclaimed,taking note of her younger sister's stomach growl and empty plate."She'll be fine,Charlotte.Fumiko is a little girl,she doesn't need that much food."Noah replied,looking at his oldest daughter with a look of annoyance.

"You did cut her food in half,that's probably why she's hungry."Naozumi chimed in,pointing his fork at his twin sister's empty plate.He rolled his eyes at his father trying to needlessly defend himself instead of taking responsibility for his actions.Naozumi wasn't surprised at all,his father always tried to justify his actions matter how stupid they were.Even though the look he gave his father was a stoic one mixed with annoyance,he was growing worried about his sister.She always was seemed anxious or overly stressed out when their father was around.

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