Chapter 6-Fate,Feelings,and Uncertainty

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It was 4:00p.m and Fumiko was outside of Aiyana's house,putting the yellow stringlights up around the driveway and the top part of roof above Aiyana's door.She already told Aiyana she had something very important to tell her at 6:00p.m and to come outside when she heard a ring of her doorbell around that time.Fumiko was so nervous,but she was ready to ask Aiyana to be her date to the homecoming dance.

Eventually,she was going ask Aiyana could they ever be more than friends.Deep down,Fumiko had a feeling it was very possible since they been everything else besides girlfriends.They been rivals,friends,and they are currently best friends.What else could get in the way of a potential fate and future for the two of them?

Once Fumiko installed all of the lights she wanted to put up,she just stared at Aiyana's door."I hope more than anything you will be my date to the homecoming dance...I need to know there's something more between us,Aiyana."Fumiko said,looking at the door as if Aiyana was standing right in front of her.

Fumiko walked off of Aiyana's doorstep,making her way out of the driveway and heading back home.Fumiko had 2 hours before the sun went down and it was time to ask Aiyana to the homecoming dance.That was a lot of time she had on her hands,but it didn't faze Fumiko at all.She needed to take a shower,wash her hair,and pick out a nice outfit to wear for this evening.2 hours was just enough time to everything she needed to do.

Fumiko already practiced what she was going to do in chronological order for her promposal to Aiyana.First,she was going to ring Aiyana's doorbell and wait for her to come outside.Then,she was to run to the middle of Aiyana's driveway and turn the lights surrounding Aiyana's house with the mini remote control she had.Lastly,Fumiko would read the poem she wrote to Aiyana as her way of asking her to be her date to the homecoming dance.

Fumiko was confident that Aiyana would say yes,but she was also worried she would reject her.Fumiko was afraid that after all the time she spent trying to make everything work,her heart would broken tonight at 6:00p.m by being the victim of an unrequited love.

"Technically,Aiyana would be the victim if she doesn't like me back,but I'm going to be the one who suffers."Fumiko said to herself,looking down at her feet as she approached her mansion.

"Doesn't suffering make the difference between victim and perpetrator?"Fumiko asked herself in a soft tone,opening the door and closing it.In Fumiko's opinion and her firsthand experience with suffering,the answer was quite obvious and there was no reason to give an answer to a question that was obvious.

But,she did have a problem with calling or even describing Aiyana as a perpetrator when she didn't do anything wrong.Yes,she would be heartbroken if Aiyana didn't return her feelings or even go to the homecoming dance with her...but she wouldn't a bad person for hypothetically not liking Fumiko romantically.

It was a very stressful and disappointing thing to think about right before the night Fumiko is supposed to ask Aiyana to the homecoming dance,but Fumiko understood she had to prepare herself for almost any outcome of putting her feelings out on the line like that.Even the outcomes that were the most undesirable or upsetting to her,she knew she couldn't ignore them or she would be trying to blind herself by wearing rose-tined glasses in a crystal clear world.

Fumiko took off her long,brown boots and socks & put her socks in her boots without wasting any extra time.She knew needed to spend that time doing something more important.Fumiko raced to the stairs quickly after putting her shoes up in an organized manner.Fumiko hurried up the long set of stairs as fast as she could without tripped over the stairs or her own feet.

Once she made it up to the hallway where her room was located,Fumiko took a towel and a sponge from the bathroom supply cabinet.She placed the folded towel on the toilet seat along with the sponge while simultaneously rushing to her room to get her perfume and scented body cream.After getting everything she needed that wasn't in her bathroom,Fumiko started to get undressed from her jeans down to her bra.

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