Chapter 17-An Angel From Above

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"Are you starting to get the hang of it now?" Fumiko asked,glancing to see Aiyana's footwork.

"Yeah! I can finally do the steps without you needing to guide me." Aiyana responded, looking at Fumiko's face instead of her feet.

Fumiko was very impressed with the fact that Aiyana learned how to slow dance so well in less than an hour. Even when she would increase the speed of the dance at random times, Aiyana would match her speed with very few errors in between. She was pleased to know that Aiyana seemed to have a lot of fun dancing with her, she didn't even want to stop to get any snacks or drinks from the refreshment tables around the area for a quick break.

They had been practicing the slow dance throughout the entirety of the fast-paced music portion of the homecoming dance. Fumiko and Aiyana were finally able to proficiently slow dance with each other as soon the medium-paced music began, which was only about 3 minutes ago after 45 minutes of practicing the slow dance during the fast-paced music session. Time had passed by so quickly for the girls, they couldn't even fathom that they were already 48 minutes into their homecoming dance.

Aiyana started to progressively go from a moderately fast-paced waltz to not dancing at all. She was beginning to grow tired as the physical exhaustion starting wearing on her small body. Aiyana's breathing had increased and she tried not to move as much to regain her energy. Fumiko picked up on this easily and she took Aiyana's hand to guide her to the bleachers,so she could rest while she bought them some drinks.

"Stay here and rest for a few minutes, I'll go get you a drink." Fumiko informed, waiting to here a response as she walked away.

"You don't have to do that...." Aiyana said, speaking in a hushed tone as result of physical tiredness.

"I want to do it and you need to drink something." Fumiko explained, even though she knew she was going to get the drink anyway.

She continued on her way to the refreshment stands towards a corn or of the gymnasium. When Fumiko took a moment to think about it, she saw this break they were about to take together as an opportunity to just talk to Aiyana. If they did sit down and talk to each other, it would probably be a awkward as one particular topic may come up. The rather intimate moment they shared in the limo alone together, something Fumiko knew they couldn't go without discussing.

She took a deep breath and grabbed two cups of lemonade for her & Aiyana. Fumiko didn't really want to drink the lemonade right now, but it would give her excuse to take a break from talking during their inevitable conversation. She walked back to the bleachers with the cups of lemonade in both of her hands, sitting down next to Aiyana and handing her a cup of cold lemonade. Fumiko didn't make direct eye contact with Aiyana, which probably tipped Aiyana's suspicions off a bit.

She couldn't really tell since she couldn't observe Aiyana's facial expressions to come a good conclusion, which was a stragey Fumiko relied on a lot when dealing with people.

Fumiko sat in silence for a minute as she continued to gather her thoughts and reassure herself as quickly as she could. There may be feelings of anxiety racing throughout her body, but everything was going to be okay eventually. As much as wanted to believe that,her anxiety wouldn't let her believe in logic. It also wouldn't let her believe that things could be okay without her trying to fix it. Fumiko has only ever known fixing any precieved problem that burdened her very wise yet still naive shoulders.

Aiyana turned to face Fumiko because she wanted to know what was wrong since something was definitely wrong. She also wanted to know what Fumiko was hiding and why whatever it was so bad that she needed to do that. Aiyana couldn't just let her suffer in silence when she didn't have to do that, especially not when she was around. She absolutely hated seeing the people she loved suffer if she could do anything to help the situation or even prevent it.

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