Chapter 15-Love Is The Key:A Walk Down Memory Lane

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Fumiko and Aiyana walked through the main entrance of the school, on their way to approaching the gym. The excitement they shared for the homecoming dance and the time they were spending together in general was mutual. The few looks they shared between each other filled with joy and happiness made that fact evident.

Whether it was at school, one of their homes, or any environment where they were together...they always cherished every second of it because of the sacred bond they had with one another.

The 3 years it took forge their relationship and make it as strong as it was currently is something both girls would forever both grateful for.

Even though they weren't always friends, let alone best friends when they first met each other back in elementary school...time brought them closer together until all they did was count the time they had with each other. All the memories they cherished throughout the years spent together made each memory they gained stronger than the last. That's what the homecoming dance represented for them, another memory they will be able to cherish for as long as they live.

The memory of homecoming was also going to be an important one to treasure since it was the year they said "I love you" to each other for the first time. The year they confessed just how much they meant to each other without holding back their words or the emotions that came with it.

An act they never thought they would do so soon, but it was an act that impacted them greatly just as fast as they said it. The feelings they felt after telling one another they loved each other was something words couldn't even begin to describe how amazing and freeing it felt. Everything that can't couldn't be translated into words was experienced through their emotions, which made it all feel more vivid for them.

The experience made them truly understand what love is supposed to feel like. Something special that could only be given to you over time by someone who really knew you and cared about more than anyone else in the world would. But, the love they felt with each other felt different than any other form of love they felt in their life.

Aiyana believed the love she felt from Fumiko was much different than the love from her family because she fully trusted Fumiko in a way she couldn't with a few of her family members. She could completely open, honest, and vulnerable with Fumiko without a fear of being shamed or rejected, two major fears that were Aiyana's biggest weaknesses. Nothing broke Aiyana's heart like being shamed or seemingly rejected by the people she loves or cares about.

Aiyana never felt emotionally weak or embarrassed for not being invincible whenever she would reach her breaking points and cry,something her mother looked down upon if she caught her crying. Her mother saw crying as a form of emotional weaknesses and a way to avoid problems, so she chastised Aiyana for it and made Aiyana distrust her profusely in the process.

It was the same thing whenever she was dealing with confrontation with other people,which could often cause anxiety attacks for Aiyana and she never knew why. Her mother's inability to show compassion for her signs of an anxiety disorder or other emotional distress problems Aiyana had made Aiyana distrust her even more, causing a lot of resentment and distrust to build in Aiyana for her mother.

Fumiko always tried to her best to physically comfort Aiyana if she was around to help or lend a listening ear while trying to talk Aiyana through it to make her feel heard. The love Aiyana felt for Fumiko stemmed from the love and acceptance Fumiko consistently gave her, assuring her that she didn't need to be stronger or "less weak" to avoid rejection...her mother just needed to be kinder and less moronic when it came to understanding mental health issues.

Hearing such kind and understanding words while being told that she was accepted for who she was from her best friend made Aiyana realize that Fumiko deserved all the love she could possibly give her. Fumiko constantly combatted the immense rejection triggers Aiyana had, making Aiyana actually feel stronger when she needed her strength the most. Aiyana loved Fumiko so much because she loved her when she thought was at her most unlovable, which helped Aiyana see worthiness in herself to be lovable and accepted by other people.

Fumiko believed the love she felt from Aiyana was much different than the love she felt from family because Aiyana didn't expect her to be perfect or threaten abandonment if she wasn't, since she was already good enough for Aiyana being herself. Fumiko was raised and expected to be perfect at everything she did or was to become in life. The perfect daughter, the perfect future wife, the perfect student, etc. Her father heavily taught how to excel at everything, so she would never disappoint anyone she meant to impress.

He would teach her misogynistic values, so she would internalize them and be a perfect wife for a future husband one day. He would teach her submissive values, so she could be his perfect daughter and never disappoint him. Fumiko never felt like anything learned, did, or sacrificed was never enough for father...causing her become anxious,depressed,and nearly getting herself hurt on multiple occasions for her father's happiness.When her and Aiyana became close friends, Fumiko noticed everything about her self-worth and self-esteem started to change.

Or least, she would feel that way whenever Aiyana was around.

Aiyana would physically comfort her by wrapping her a hug and stroking Fumiko's hair, telling her she was already perfect and her father was stupid for not realizing that. She would text or call Fumiko whenever she needed to someone to talk to or needed emotional support she couldn't get from anyone else. Aiyana would even sing to her while playing with her hair if she needed someone to give her that kind of comfort while she was experiencing a depression episode. She always made Fumiko feel like she never had any intentions on leaving or abandoning her, making Fumiko incredibly safe with her and earning her love for as long as time goes on.

The love Fumiko and Aiyana had for each other was the key that opened many doors in their life,unlocking the many pathways for them to walk through.

Tonight,the doors of the gym were the next pathway they walked through together...ready to take on any obstacles or challenges standing in their way just like they have done for the past 3 years straight.

They took each other's hand and walked through the doors, which would be the beginning of another chapter for the two of them.

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