Chapter 14-The Bigger Picture

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This was it...everything was finally starting come to a head. The night Fumiko and Aiyana have been anticipating for what felt like an eternity, the events following after their arrival met with more anticipation from the both of them. October 8th, also known as The Night of the Homecoming Dance for students who were attending Prosperity's Peak and Aristocrat Academy.

All they had to do now was walk through the entrance of the school and head to the gym, the location of the long-awaited homecoming dance.

It sounded so simple,but nothing that seemed so easy came without a price. Nothing that seemed innocent or was done with innocence was left untouched by whatever evil that followed in its path.

Fumiko felt a wave of excitement wash over her along with a sense of serenity, calming the anxiety she experienced the past few days leading up to homecoming. Despite all of her anxiety about Aiyana and the homecoming proposal being assuaged...her intrusive thoughts were still lingering in her mind heavily. They were like huge, dark clouds hovering in the sky before a storm that would seek warfare on everything in its path.

Fumiko's intrusive thoughts always made her feel like she was doing the wrong thing because a certain choice she made, no matter how innocent that choice might have been. Or that something absolutely terrible would happen as result of her making what she thought was the right choice, leaving her self-confidence and self-esteem destroyed every time she fell victim to the unfair circumstances that led afterwards. Sometimes, she couldn't even make any decisions for herself because her overwhelming anxiety warped the otherwise rational thought process Fumiko had.

However,she wouldn't let it overcome her this time. Tonight was too important and special to her for it to be ruined by something she could find a way to suppress, even if she found it impractical or uncomfortable since she wasn't accustomed to doing it on a regular basis. The only way Fumiko knew to suppress her intrusive thoughts and anxiety was to think with her heart instead of her brain. This was a tactic she never needed to use unless her emotions overruled logic in certain situations, which in this particular instance...she figured that emotionally driving herself would be more effective than logically driving herself since that's what caused most of her anxiety in the first place.

This dichotomous way of coping aided her excitement and inner peace, her mind and body increasingly letting go of any leftover stress or anxiety she may had been carrying. With everything internally making Fumiko remain emotionally unfazed, she turned towards Aiyana and grabbed her hand without any second thought. She gave Aiyana a warm smile and made her grip tighter, wanting her happiness and affection speak through body language.

"I'm hope I'm doing this right, I just want her to feel as loved as possible..." Fumiko thought, not knowing if she was showing the right amount of affection or the right form of affection.

"Even if this isn't the way I would usually show her that I love her." Fumiko remembered, considering the fact they loved each other differently and that probably caused a sense of dissatisfaction between them.

Fumiko heard a sudden outburst of noise, which immediately caught her attention. She knew had to be Aiyana considering how loud the noise was, indicating the noise came from a extremely short-range distance. Fumiko turned her to face Aiyana, her hand still linked and intertwined with one of Aiyana's hands.

"Awww!" Aiyana gushed, squeezing her hand to mirror Fumiko's hand-holding pressure.

Aiyana had the biggest smile on her face, which only made her cheeks burn more and the red blush donning her cheeks deepen. She felt like her heart was going to explode from the pure emotion and euphoria alone. Not to mention the fact Fumiko was the one of the only people who went out of her way to make her happy. She also one of the only people Aiyana wanted to make happier than anybody else, which meant something extremely important to Aiyana.

Aiyana felt so many emotions and had so many feelings towards Fumiko, she started to lose track because some of them were fleeting or hard to remember.

But,most of them were concrete...never leaving her mind or heart because she always felt that. Some of those feelings and emotions were more subtle while the others were too hard to ignore as they screamed in her mind due to how obvious they were. Though some of her feelings and emotions didn't make sense to her, everything made perfect sense when Fumiko was around her.

Somehow, Fumiko made the illogical seem logical and all the missing puzzles pieces completed the picture. Aiyana thought of her subtle, unresolved feelings about Fumiko were the missing puzzle pieces, which meant there was a much bigger picture that has yet to be completed. She wanted to see the bigger picture,but she was a bit worried about what would happen if she found the pieces and saw the picture. Nevertheless, that worry wasn't nearly enough to stop her from discovering what needed to be found.

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