Chapter 1 - How To Save A Life

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It's a stormy New York afternoon in Throgs Neck. The band is rehearsing at Ren's house.



"So what you got Moe?" I asked.

Moe who was sitting at the keyboard smirked and began to record a gentle riff while humming a melody. After a bit of playing he looped his recording on the keyboard and gave a rhythm sheet to Caden, who began to play the drum part along with the piano. He then gave another sheet to Crow who started to play the bassline. After about 5 minutes they got accustomed to the loop, which is when Moe grabbed his guitar and proceeded into the chorus and played some chords slowly. While the others caught up, he sampled the lead guitar part to me while I started to play along...

After feeling out the first chorus of the song, we all stopped and looked at each other.

"Holy shit Moe you out-did yourself", I exclaimed. Caden and Crow nodded in agreement.

"So what do we want this song to be about exactly? Something emotional surely," Crow asked.

"Well, when I was writing these first parts, all I had in mind was the time that I walked in on my ex about to commit suicide... So maybe something alluding to that I guess?"

The room went dead silent for a few moments,

"Oh right... Her", I said, breaking the silence. "That's a great idea"

"So we're striking some personal chords on this one..." Crow chimed in.

"I think it's a great idea, it'll hit home with a lot of people. We've all had such thoughts, and so many others have had it even worse... This can be a real anthem," said Caden. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well in that case, I'll try to figure out some lyrics today", said Crow.

"That'd be good," I said.


The band rehearsed until midnight and ended up conceptualizing most of the song, all they needed to work out now was a bridge to connect the final chorus. Crow also came up with some minor points for the lyrics that night.

The following day Moe planned to help Crow with the lyrics at his place.

Timeskip - Till the morning



"Here's what I've got so far" Crow said while handing me his phone.

After reading through the phone I questioned Crow,

"Why'd you only write stuff for the chorus?"

"Moe, you have more chemistry with this song than any of us. I want this song to be very personal, I want the lyrics to pierce through people's hearts. But frankly, I just don't know enough about all this to bring myself to write them."

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