Chapter 9 - Sleep Well, My Love

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Las Vegas

Early September - Midnight

Sera is alone at the motel while the guys are out for some fun.



I was staring out the motel window at the streetlights. Even though we were relatively far from downtown you could still almost hear all the noise behind closed doors, all the chatter and music. It's not even there but in your head it's still so loud, that's the kinda city Vegas is I guess.

I looked back to my laptop, an empty screen stood between me and everything I wanted to do. Hesitantly, I moved my cursor to Ableton in my toolbar...

I haven't touched this in so long... and I'm so tired from today... 

God, I'm so rusty and it's degrading... do I even belong here? With these guys? And eventually with freaking K/DA...

Definitely n--

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Moe yelling from just outside the door.

"Quick just open the damn door!"

"I'm trying!"

The knob jiggled violently before the door finally burst open, revealing Caden who stumbled in with Moe and Crow who were practically carrying Ren in.

My heart dropped at the sight, he looked completely unconscious.

"Ren!" I yelled as I ran over to clear his bed where they laid him down.

"What the hell happened?" I asked with a fire in my eyes, they looked at me with surprise in their eyes for some reason.

Crow started, "He had too much to drink and decided to start a fight with some random, we told him to stop but--"

"You should've just stopped him yourselves! So this is why he's still in the middle of all this crap, because you three can't get a grip on him?!"

I took a seat by the bed and gently wiped some of the blood off of Ren's face. They just looked at me with shock written across their faces, and in the moment I couldn't decipher why.

"Sera, loo--"

"NO! Don't even... just don't, you call yourselves his best friends and you can't even care for him or his biggest problems--"

"You need to calm down" Crow said in a stern tone, almost making me flinch, "because if you don't we won't be able to figure all this out."

"My brother, my responsibility... now but out!" I yelled, Crow stepped back before an irritated expression grew on his face. He reached for the towel in my hand and I grappled him for it, Caden tried to break us up but to no avail. 

Crow yelled, "Why are you so stubborn you--"

"Crow!" Moe yelled, everyone stopped and looked at him, "You better watch it, friend." he sneered at Crow before glancing to me.

"For real?" Crow asked

"Realer than your drunk ass. Move... no - both of you out, now! Go to your room!" he yelled as he got in between Crow and I, I almost smirked at how much of a parent he was being. 

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