20. ♡Stop lying! ♡

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LamyaeMhaidra DseDance this one is for you ❤️

Varun's P.O.V
"Shraddha, come on! Where are we going?! And why are you even here? It's like 6.30! You should be sleeping!"

Shraddha ignored me. She just kept on dragging me by my arm. I hated it.

"Shraddha! Can you please tell me what's going on?!"

I was getting fed up.


She stayed quiet.

I decided to stop. I stopped walking and I just looked at Shraddha.

"What do you think you are doing?!" She gritted her teeth.

"I won't move a muscle till you tell me where we are going." I smiled.

"Varun, this is not the time to joke around. I am being serious, you need to leave!"

"For the thousandth time, why?! What's so important?!"

She looked over my shoulder. "Varun please, it's important. I'll tell you when we're in the car."

"No, no car. Tell me now. Otherwise I'll just stay on the airport and I will catch my flight."

"Varun, don't be ridiculous. Let's go."

"I am telling you-"

"Varun! Don't do stupid things."

"Don't challenge me Shraddha. I can just leave like that."

She looked around and she looked over my shoulder again. Then she shook her head and cursed.

"What happened?"

"We're too late. You should listen to me okay!"

I looked over my shoulder and saw Aditya approaching.

"What's Aditya got to do with this?"

"Let's just go!"

"Hi Aditya!" I said to him. Shraddha hit me.

"Ouch! What was that for?!"

"Just shut up okay! You ruined it!"

"What? You don't wanna run into your ex boyfriend?"

Shraddha frowned. "Please just-"

"Hey! Varun! Shrads! What are you guys doing here?" Aditya said as he walked towards us.

Shraddha rolled her eyes and gave me a nasty look. What did I do wrong?!

"Uhm well, we were just about to leave actually." Shraddha fake smiled.

"Oh yeah. Bro, aren't you supposed to take a flight? I heard they're boarding now." Aditya smiled.

"Well yeah, I was, until someone decided to drag me elsewhere." I scoffed.

Aditya frowned and he pushed Shraddha's arm away. She pushed him back.

"Do not touch me, you freak."

"Freak? That's not what you said that one night Shrads."

"Can someone explain what is going on please? I need to catch a flight." I mumbled.

"Yeah I will." Shraddha said. "This person", and she pointed to Aditya. "This person has ruined our lives by feeding us all lies. And we?! We were so silly to believe it. Cos after all, he is our friend and he gives us advice which is very helpful." She rolled her eyes.

"That's not true! Varun needs this vacation! He has been working so hard! And besides, why would he stay back? He has nothing to stay for here-Hey! That's my phone!" Aditya yelled.

Shraddha hid behind me. "Vee, trust me on this."

Aditya tried to take his phone back but I knew Shraddha was on to something so I blocked Aditya's way.

"See! See this!" Shraddha nearly shouted.

I took the phone and I read a chat between Alia and Aditya. My eyes widened as I saw the words.

"You bloody asshole! Sending me away for vacation cos I work too hard and I am "leaving Alia and am not interested" right?! Where did that came from?! Why are you telling her lies? You bastard!"

I was fuming with anger.

Aditya awkwardly smiled. "He..he..Its Uhm..Its nothing like that. You see.. Erm-"

"Get out of my face before I literally kill you here with my own hands."

I had been so blind! It all made sense to me know.

Everything that happened...

All the actions..

It was all because of him!

He turned us against each other!

"Let's go Varun!" Shraddha pulled me again.

"Ouch. I am coming okay, don't pull me. Where are we going anyways?"

"We're going home."

Parineeti's P.O.V
Arjun and I were sitting in his bedroom. We were very tired.

"I knew I was right.. The Great One always finds out stuff." He proudly bragged.

"Shut up Arjun. No one cares about your stupid things. I'm tired, let me sleep."

"Ouch! Babe! You broke my heart!" His hands shot up to his chest and he pretended to fall on the bed.

"Babe? I am not your babe!"

"Really? Then why are you blushing now, babe?"

"I wouldn't know. Wait, I am not blushing! I am not blushing, shut up!"

I wanted to walk away but Arjun caught my hand.

"Pari babes, admit it!"

"Admit what?!"

"That you love me! Parineeti, I really love you a lot okay..also in that way.." he smirked.

"Don't play games with my feelings or I'll kill you!"

"Your feelings? So you feel the same?!" He smiler hopefully.

"I Uhm-I.. I need to go." I walked away but he popped up before me again.

"Is that a yes from you babe?"

I frowned and tried to look for a way out. Someone needs to hel-

At that exact moment, my phone rang.

"It's my phone. Sorry. Can't talk to you now. Byee!" I ran away from Arjun.

I was so not gonna confess to him that I loved him. I was way too chicken for that..

Yay quick updates wooohoo! Ily guys, stay happy and stay strong

892 words

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