21. ♡It's your favourite producer! ♡

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This journey is about to end 🥺🤧

Alia's P.O.V
"Varun.." I called out to him. It was late at night and he had just come home after doubting the entire day. Typical Varun.

He turned around and smiled. "Hi Alia."

I gulped. "So uhm.. how are you?"

He was still in his work attire. The suit fit him well. He looked as handsome as always. It was his eyes that were different this time. I once read that the eyes were the mirror to a person's soul. Something must've happened.

"Good." He replied with a bit of a fake smile. He took a few steps forward and looked me in my eyes. "How are you?"

I smiled back. "Good! All good.."

Varun nodded and I looked away.

"So uhm.. we're gonna treat each other like strangers now? We're just ignoring all that happened?" I asked him.

He looked at me for some time. I was scared. What was he thinking? Did he forgot me?

Suddenly he wrapped his arms around me and he buried his face in the little place between my neck and my shoulder. I could smell his perfume and everything just reminded me of Varun.

"I missed you so much..." he murmured.

I let out a sigh and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "Don't you ever do that again, okay?"

I smiled. "I wouldn't wanna dream of it."

Shraddha's P.O.V
"Sid! Stop it! I don't like my hair that way and you know it!" I frowned.

"But I love it." He whispered.

He was playing with my hair and making weird stuff out of it.

"Shall I get the scissors?" He joked.

I looked at him in shock. "What?! No! Stay away from my hair!"

He laughed and gave me a hug. "I love you so much, you know? You're adorable and I'm glad to have you back."

"I'm glad to have you back too babe." I kissed him on his cheek and he was just leaning in for a kiss when my phone rang.

"So filmy.. your phone rang." He pulled away  with dismay.

"Babe, chill. It's not gonna be an hour conversation." I laughed as I picked up the phone.


"Can we talk?" An all to familiar voice said.

"Who is this?" I asked.

I already knew the answer but it could just be true. Why was he calling?

Sidharth looked at me with a worried face. "What's wrong? Who is calling?"

"You know who this is Shraddha." His voice broke a bit.

"Karan?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes. Can we meet?"

Parineeti's P.O.V
"Holy cheeseballs! He has become old!"  I laughed. We were all seated around a big table in our favourite restaurant. It was late at night, around ten o'clock or so, but we were all desperate to know why Karan Johar wanted to talk to us.

Just as he was approaching, everyone slowly laughed.

"He has become old! You're right!" Arjun said.

"Of course, I am right!" I laughed.

Arjun stared at me. "Pari, can we talk later?"

"Oh..my god! My ship is gonna sail!" Varun dramatically exclaimed while he put on puppy eyes.

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