Chapter Three

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Bone brought Scourge's limp body into his leader's private alleyway, tears falling from his pale green eyes. This was all his fault and he knew it. He couldn't bare to look at Scourge as he set the body down.

Fortunately, the tires on the car were just far enough apart to miss Scourge which left the small black tomcat unharmed. Bone was silent as he curled around Scourge, the moment in his head playing like a broken record. Scourge staring at the red monster before falling to the ground.

Bone running faster than he ever had to pick up Scourge and make sure he was okay once out of the thunderpath. Scourge had only fainted, it was slightly relieving but not enough not to make him not nervous.

Bone could not place his paw on why he was still worried when it was clear that Scourge was okay.

Suddenly, Scourge shifted. He opened up his eyes to reveal his vibrant blue eyes, "Bone?" He asked, looking at the tomcat beside him.

Bone jumped a bit, "Y-Yes?" He stuttered slightly, looking startled yet relieved. Scourge looked at his friend's teary face, "Why are you so startled and relieved? And crying?" He asked, standing up.

Bone stood up as well, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He murmured and shook his head.

Scourge let out a simple snort, "Of course I will, idiot. Tell me the truth, not any lying bullshit that you sometimes pull to protect my feelings." He said with a cold tone of voice on feelings.

Bone stared at him. Why was Scourge so bitter about saying the word 'feelings'? He ignored it, "You almost got hit by a monster while following me when I crossed a monster path and you fainted." He explained swiftly. He almost forced the words out of his jaws.

Scourge seemed shocked, "I do remember walking after you left the alleyway. Y'know, nevermind. I don't have to explain it all to you. All you need to be told is I followed you after you left because I wanted to find out why you were leaving." He flexed his claws.

Scourge's eyes then narrowed, "Are you hiding something  from me?" He growled, his pitying eyes grew cold. "To be honest, I wouldn't be suprised. You never talk to me anymore. It's like I don't exist in your little world!" He spat, "Just go away. Please." He huffed.

Bone was taken aback by Scourge's behavior. He felt like a shattered piece of twoleg junk. He looked Scourge right in the eyes, "Anything could have killed you out there while you were unconscious." He explained, sounding calm.

Scourge hissed, "I don't care, at least I wouldn't have felt anything. Maybe my destiny was to be killed by a monster. You don't know!" His ears pinned back in anger.

Bone didn't move a muscle, "Scourge, calm down. Getting violent isn't what you want to do. Besides, I am your deputy and you shouldn't want to kill me. It would be difficult to find a replacement." He huffed.

Scourge's fur bristled, "I could easily find a replacement!" He yelled, his voice growing higher in pitch as he continued to shout at the deputy. "It's my fault I almost got tmyself killed, you should have just left me there to die! I seemingly haven't been kind enough to you!" He exclaimed harshly.

Bone growled, "Fine, have it your way. See you, my leader." He sighed and stalked away. He decided to tell the clan about what happened.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

Scourge had finally come back from his alleyway. He still looked quite frusterated but not enough to lash out at Bone again.

While he was thinking, he realized Bone was nowhere to be found. Scourge looked around and saw no sign of the large tomcat. His short, black fur prickled with anxiety but he ignored it. Perhaps Bone had only gone away to talk to some cat outside of BloodClan.

Atleast that was what Scourge hoped. Flexing his claws, he sat down. He kept glancing at the alleyway's entrance, wishing to see Bone coming through with his emotionless face. He decided to not think about it. He was freaking out much to early.

A.n I'm still coming up with ideas on what should happen next. I have a ton but I will only pick one for now. I may use the other things later. :D

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