Chapter Four

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Days have passed and Bone was still missing from BloodClan. Scourge was stressed from running the clan all alone. Bone was right, he couldn't find any cat he trusted enough to take his deputy's place.

No cat seemed to notice Bone's disappearance. Not even his closest friend, Night. Scourge got to his paws and rushed over to Night, he might as well put some cat in charge as he searched for Bone.

Night looked at Scourge, "Yes?" He asked, his narrow eyes turned looking down at the black pelted tomcat.

Scourge blinked, "I need you to take over my duties for a little bit." He explained quickly. The dark cream tomcat nodded, "Okay. I'll keep everything in order." He dipped his head.

Scourge let out a sigh of relief, "Good. I'll get a cat to come with me." He walked away. He picked out Panther. Flicking his tail, he walked out of the alleyway with Panther on his heels. He glanced into all the alleyways he passed. He turned a corner only to see Bone tackled by a she-cat, a tomcat watching with a smirk. The she-cat looked firmilar as well as the tomcat watching with a wicked expression on his face.

The she-cat was a pale grey with yellow eyes while the tomcat was black and white with bright blue eyes, alike Scourge's.

The grey she-cat raised a paw into the air, her claws unsheathed. Scourge panicked, "Get off of him!" He exclaimed, infuriated.

The pale grey she-cat and black and white tomcat looked at him, "Oh, hello, Tiny." The she-cat hissed, "You want your big guard?" The tomcat asked mockingly.

Scourge was taken aback. It was not only Ruby and Socks, his sister and brother. "Get off of him you petty kittypets." He sneered.

Socks got up, "No." He smirked evily. Scourge flicked his tail and Panther tackled the kittypet, "I don't want to hear that come from your jaws again." He growled before pushing Ruby off of Bone, he pinned his sister to the ground.

The half as big tomcat growled, "You really shouldn't have come into my territory, Ruby. It's quite sad. Now you should high-tail it out of here before I have Panther slit Socks' thoat. Don't touch my deputy again." He bristled.

Ruby stared at him, "Small bitch." She spat in his face. Scourge's eye twitched out of rage. Bone's voice spoke, "Scourge, it's fine. Let them go, I think you have scared them enough." He said, his voice very plain but sounded as if he was in slight agony.

The deputy's tone made Scourge's heart snap in half. Why were his siblings so insensitive? He suddenly got pinned by Ruby, "You mistake." She sneered. Scourge unsheathed his claws and put his paws on her shoulders, digging his   blade-like claws into her shoulders.

Ruby hissed in pain, "Mom hates you just as much as Socks and I." She narrowed her eyes. Scourge sliced her cheek flesh with a claw, the cut deep. "You have no idea what I can do. And what about Jake, our father? Do you know how he feels about me?" He snarled, curling his lip into a vicious snarl.

Ruby was stumped by his questions, "I don't care, stupid!" She hissed in pain. Scourge has had enough, quickly clawing Ruby's stomach open in affliction. The she-cat yowled, being pinned by her brother and being killed by Scourge ripping open her underside. Blood started to gush from her stomach. Socks looked horror-struck.

"Go cry somewhere else, my shitty brother." Scourge had a phycotic grin on his face as his sister's blood soaked his paws and claws. That was Panther's cue to get off of Socks.

The black and white tomcat ran away in a flash. Scourge got off of Ruby, her eyes glazed and her body flaccid. He turned to Bone.

Bone had several fresh cuts, blood dripping from his sides. He had quite a lot of gashes covering his body, some shallow and some extensive. Some were new while some were slightly old and the blood was dried.

Soon Scourge started to grow sympathetic and his grin faded quickly, "I'm so sorry, Bone. I shouldn't have snapped at you!" He wailed tearfully, tackling him and wrapping his forelegs around Bone tightly. He started to lick Bone's wounds gingerly.

Bone grew warm, "Scourge, it's okay." He mewed, sounding amused. He suppressed purrs and his tail wagged slowly. Thankfully, his embarrassment washed away as he noticed Panther had went back to BloodClan.

Scourge looked up at Bone and felt Bone brush his tears away with a paw. Scourge looked regretful and looked away. He was suprised as to what Bone did next.


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