Chapter Six

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Scourge got nudged by some cat's nose, "Scourge?" Bone's voice asked. He opened his eyes to see Bone and a cool grey tomcat with pale yellow eyes and darker grey ears.

Scourge looked at the cool grey tomcat, "What does he want?" He asked, looking confused. Bone glanced back at the tomcat beside him, "This is Clay. I met him while you were sleeping. He wanted to meet you." He explained.

Clay winked, "Hello, beautiful." He purred. Scourge looked at Clay, looking annoyed. His eyes half-closed with annoyance, "If you need me I'll be in my own alleyway." He huffed and walked away.

Scourge swore he saw spite in Bone's pale green eyes. He walked out of the alleyway and halted at the entrance, looking back at Clay and Bone. His ears perked up as he heard Bone snap at Clay, "Don't fucking flirt with him, ego maniac. You hardly know him!" He snarled.

Clay smirked smugly, "So?" He thrust his muzzle in Bone's face, "Doesn't mean I can't flirt with him." He growled.

Bone bared his teeth, "Idiotic cockteaser." He ridiculed. "He could easily kill you, he killed his sister today. You're lucky he was in a good mood otherwise he would have clawed your face. He rarely tolerates the sheer buffoonery of cats like you." He curled his lip in distaste.

Clay let out a single laugh, "Ha! Just means I have a bigger chance of winning his heart over, Mr. jealousy!" He stuck his tongue out at Bone mockingly.

Bone looked at Clay, "Fuck off, you reckless piece of shit!" He snapped, his annoyance and frustration in his voice.

Scourge stared for a moment before quickly walking away to his private alleyway. Why is Bone jealous of him? He wondered. They were talking about flirting with me.

How sweet of Bone to tell him to
quit it? It did make me slightly

What am I thinking? It was
fine! Bone only did it because
he is loyal, idiot!

Sure. The way he looks at you is
just screaming, '' I love you, Scourge!"

Scourge's breath caught in his throat. No. No. He would never. He needs to get out of my head. And I mean NOW.

Don't skip this if you are confused!

I decided to change the mysterious cat's appearance because I was originally going to be Fireheart. Clay is a made up OC of mine last minute so I decided to insert him for some flavor lmao

Clay will be competition for Bone like they will be rivals to see who wins Scourge's heart. I was thinking for a while on what should happen and I settled for a tomcat to try to flirt with Scourge sense it probably fits my gay story more than a she-cat.

❁❝ Iᴄʏ Eʏᴇs ❞❁ A Sᴄᴏᴜᴿɢᴇ x Bᴏɴᴇ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ  | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ⊹ Where stories live. Discover now