Chapter Twenty-One

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Bone groomed Scourge as the kits fought. He noticed Scourge staring at the kits fighting, his tail twitching. Bone blinked and paused, "Something bothering you?" He asked resting his head on Scourge's back.

The black tomcat's white paw unsheathed claws for a moment, "Huh?" He hummed, "Oh no. Just wondering what is going to happen in the future with the kits and stuff." He explained.

Bone purred. Scourge looked at the deputy, "What? Why are you purring?" The tips of his ears glowed red with embarrassment.

Bone put his snout to Scourge's neck, "You seem so worried over nothing. I bet they'll be just as good at doing the things you do." He mewed. He jumped as Charcoal stared, "You two are so in love it is kind of traumatizing." She said. Clover nodded, "YEAH, GET SOMEWHERE PRIVATE TO FU-" His sister slapped a paw over his mouth, "SHHH!" She hushed her sister. Clover pushed Charcoal's paw away, "FUCK SOMEWHERE ELSE OR FACE THE WRATH OF YOUR OWN HOR-" He got cut off by Charcoal putting a paw over his mouth again.

Scourge stared at the kits with wide eyes, "How the hell do you know about that thing, Clover?" He asked, horrified. Bone peered at the kits, "Charcoal? Did you tell him?" He asked. The small she-kit shook her head. Clover spoke, "It was Claw and Thorn." He said.

Scourge huffed, "I am going to strangle them. For the love of God, why did they tell you!?" He asked, frustrated. Charcoal blinked, "Clover was being an idiot and asked them how we were made." She explained.

Scourge let out a deep sigh, "What the actual fuck..." He muttered, facepawing with his black forepaw.

Bone snorted, "We should put them on the night patrol with Panther and Badger." He suggested. Scourge nodded, "Okay. And Clover, don't talk about that. It's weird to hear a 5 moon old kit screaming about cats smashing eachother." He took his paw off of his face. Clover looked confused, "Smashing?" He tilted his head. Scourge rolled his eyes and let his head drop into the ground.

Bone only laughed a bit, "It's another word for mating when it's used in the context of it." He said. Scourge glanced at him, "You shouldn't have said that, idiot." He kicked Bone in the leg gently with a hindleg as he rolled onto his back.

Bone rolled his eyes playfully. Scourge continued to egg it on, "Stupid." He muttered.

Bone knew that Scourge didn't mean it. He never did when it came to insults. Bone never realized how fluffy Scourge's stomach was, forcefully keeping his eyes from drifting to Scourge's- you know.

Charcoal snorted, "Have fun being romantic." She dragged a laughing Clover away. Bone looked amused, "I know this is a weird question but can I touch your stomach?" He questioned. Scourge snorted, "What? Why?" He asked.

Bone answered, "It looks soft." He muttered. Scourge giggled a bit before nodding, "Okay fine but if you were some cat else I would be beating the shit out of you." He smirked.

Bone snorted, "I know, my emo." He said and gently rubbed his mate's stomach. He heard Scourge purr loudly. "Did you just purr?"

Scourge blinked, "Definitely not." He glanced away. Bone laughed,  "You purred!" He exclaimed.

Scourge huffed, "Whatever. I will beat the crap out of you if don't be quiet." He huffed. Bone nuzzled his neck, his forelegs resting over his stomach loosely.

Scourge curled his tail around Bone's, "I love you, you fluffy bastard." He murmured. Bone purred, "I love you too, my beautiful mate." He licked Scourge's cheek.

(Tasty, am I right?)

❁❝ Iᴄʏ Eʏᴇs ❞❁ A Sᴄᴏᴜᴿɢᴇ x Bᴏɴᴇ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ  | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ⊹ Where stories live. Discover now