Chapter Twenty

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That picture is just... mwah.

Scourge got up from his nap and stretched. Bone was grooming himself so Scourge washed himself as well.

Scourge's sleek fur shone in the midday sunlight, "Do you want to get the kits from Princess' housefolk nest?" He asked.

Bone jumped slightly, "If you want to. I think I have enough energy to last until nightfall." He said and whipped around to look at Scourge.

Scourge walked over to Bone and pressed his nose to his mate's cheek, "I won't put you on any duties tonight. Panther will though for pinning Clover to the ground. Do you have any cat else that should be put on night watch?" He asked.

Bone thought for a moment, "Badger. I haven't seen her patrol at moonrise in a while." He explained. Scourge nodded, "Badger and Panther it is then. I'll tell them when we get the kits back." He said.

Bone had gotten too tired to walk all the way back to camp so they fell asleep in a wooded area near the two-leg nests.

Scourge and Bone quickly walked to Princess' house and saw her watching Clover and Charcoal wrestle.

Scourge looked at the kittypet, "Princess, we've come to take the kits back." He mewed.

Princess nodded, "Okay. Do you two need help?" She asked. Bone shook his head, "No, but thank you for your generosity, Princess." He purred.

Scourge looked at Clover and Charcoal, "You two can walk or be carried." He said. Charcoal looked at the ground and then back at Scourge, "I can walk." She shrugged. Clover purred, "That means I can ride on Bone's back!" He exclaimed.

Bone and Scourge exchanged amused glances, "Okay then." Bone chuckled and picked up Clover, setting the dusky brown tomkit onto his back.

Clover purred, "Yay!" He shouted. Scourge laughed a bit, "You three are delightful to be around." He purred. He had never felt so complete on his life.

Bone scoffed jokingly, "I hear that too much!" He winked. Scourge only giggled and rolled his softening bright blue eyes.

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