Chapter Eighteen

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When you actually have inspiration for a book. 😼

Scouge felt a fluffy cat slide in beside him and curl a tail around. He opened his eyes slightly to see Bone settling down. He looked really tired, "Bone?" He asked.

Bone yawned and looked at him, "Hm?" He hummed. Scourge pressed his cheek against Bone's back, "Why were you out so damn long?" He asked. Bone glanced at him, "Brick, Night and I ran into some trouble with a small pack of rogues. Nothing major." He said and licked Scourge in between his ears. He looked at Bone's face, which was clearly slightly clawed but it didn't really look like a dogs vicious cuts, more like a cat's scratches.

Scourge rested his head on Bone's broad shoulder and glanced back at where the kits were. He didn't see them snd and was glad to see that they had only snuggled up super close to him. It must've gotten cold for them sense they only have a layer of kit fur. "Were you worried about the kits?" He jerked his head towards his mate.

Scourge blinked and nodded, "Yeah." He admitted. Bone rested his head on Scourge's, "I lied about fighting dogs. I fought Brick to practice it and for the rest of the night made sure the kits were okay. I wanted to surprise you but I don't think it worked very well." He chuckled softly.

Scourge sighed, "You should get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us with these kits unless you want to get some cat to kitsit them." He shrugged.

Bone nodded, "We should have Princess kitsit them. She is great with kits and gentle. We both know none of the other cats here know how to handle kits." He stated.

Scourge sniffed, "Hm. Okay we will ask her. I'll get Clover and you can get Charcoal sense she is just a couple inches smaller than me. We can come back and you can sleep when we are done. You can sleep for a couple hours sense your sleeping schedule is completely messed up." He heard Bone let out a snort of laughter.

Scourge looked at him, "What?" He asked. Bone purred, "You're worried about me!~" He teased.

Scourge scoffed, "No I'm not." He huffed in fake frustration. Bone gave him a lick on the neck, "Liar." He saw Clover and Charcoal open their eyes, "Huh?'' Charcoal yawned, stretching. Clover was slower than his sister, taking a moment before doing the same.

Bone and Scourge exchanged glances with eachother. "We are taking you to Scourge's half-sister's home. You two will be totally fine, I know her. It'll just take a while to get there because of your short legs." Bone explained.

Scourge growled playfully, "Shut up, you giant!" He hissed, "Not all of us are born as large as you!" He huffed.

Bone laughed a bit, "Do I really have to go? I don't want to have to wait for you, Scourge!" He complained jokingly.

Scourge let out a loud huff, "Shush!" He whisper yelled, "We have to get these two to Princess' house before the other cats wake up." He sighed.

Bone nodded, "Okay, come on then." He went quiet and the four cats made their way to Princess' house, laughing and joking.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

Socurge and Bone sat in the back of Scourge's alleyway, quietly talking.

"What are we going to do with the kits. Their extra work to be done in the clan." Bone said.

"Bone, we should keep them in BloodClan. They only have two more moons until they can come to use." Scourge sighed.

Bone sighed in defeat, "Okay then. Who is going to train them?" The tomcat questioned. Scourge thought for a moment, "Who is the most trustworthy cat in this clan?" He asked

Bone looked at Scourge, "You." He replied. Scourge rolled his eyes, "Besides me sense you think I am the most trustworthy cat." He waited for an answer.

Bone thought, "Hm. Night and... Thorn? To be honest, I don't know. Thorn seems like a good teacher, hard but not too rough." He stated.

Scourge nodded, "Then it's settled. Night is Charcoal's trainer and Thorn is Clover's teacher when they are old enough." He explained.

Bone nodded, "Okay then. Hm. Is there anything else that you want to discuss?" He asked, glancing at the small tomcat.

Scourge thought for a moment, "Clay." He said straight up. Bone looked confused and furious, "Why?" He asked, trying to stay calm at the name.

Scourge was silent for a moment, "I actually really disliked him. He made me really uncomfortable and even tried to mate with me. I wanted to thank you for killing him." He spoke in a meek voice.

Bone was astonished, his fury exploding, "That bitch! He tried to fuck you without your permission? That's sexual harassment what the fuck! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asked.

Scourge blinked, "I knew you would react like this." He said with a sigh, "I'm really glad my first time wasn't with that pervert," He huffed.

Bone sighed softly, "Me too. I hated Clay too. I wanted to kill him but I was afraid because I thought tou liked him. I would have murdered him if you told me he did that to you." He said, licking Scourge behind the ears and intertwining their tails.

Scourge let out a breath joyfully, "Is somthing wrong?" Bone asked. Scourge shook his head, "Nope. Just happy I know you." He purred.

A.N I posted this chapter slightly early sense I can barely keep my eyes open sense I stayed up until 1am and woke up at 8am yesterday so yeah

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