Chapter Nine

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Bone was silent as they walked home. Bone kept glancing at Scourge's face and eyes to check for rage but there was none. Not even a smidge.

There was just sadness and disappointment in his gaze. He suddenly felt bad for trying to kill himself. Scourge loved him more than he knew. But he would never love him more than a friend, would he? He shook his head from his negative thoughts, sighing.

Scourge's ears perked up and he peered at Bone, "Is everything okay? You know you can tell me. I may be the leader of BloodClan but I am not as hard and adorable as I look." He spoke in a meek yet sweet voice. "I understand. My siblings made me feel that way. Like I ment nothing. They even told me that unwanted kittypets got thrown in rivers. It was something that is permanent, like scars but not ones that are physically visible. It is okay to feel this way... just don't hide it from me, Bone, you know I can see right through you." He paused for a moment, his mouth feeling dry.

Scourge forced himself to continue, "Not telling someone is the worst way to go. Why haven't you told me by now?" He asked.

Scourge's speech-like explanation, "I thought you wouldn't take me seriously." He looked away with guilt clouding his lifeless green irises.

Scourge shook his head, "I will always take you serious when it comes to when you're feeling down. I'll get you something to eat and get some water. Remember that I will always be there to help you. Now I just want you to rest sense you look tired. Love you, Bone." He explained before quickly walking away. He muttered saying 'Love you Bone'.

Bone's whole body felt hot and he felt all warm inside. Did the BloodClan leader really say that to him? He huffed. Of course he didn't. He would never, you idiot of a bastard.

The voice was back. "Fuck." He murmured under his breath, his claws digging into the ground. He tried not to dig his claws into his pads sense Scourge would notice him slightly wincing as he set weight on his paws.

Bone took a deep breath in, replaying Scourge's bittersweet speech in his head. He let out the breath and walked to the corner of Scourge's personal alleyway, laying there with his paws tucked under him.

"Bone." Clay's voice whispered. Bone glared at Clay whom was standing in the alley's entrance, "What do you want?" He said with scorn in his voice.

Clay padded closer, halting after being a few fox-tails away from Bone, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for calling you worthless and a faggot. Do you forgive me?" He looked away.

Bone huffed, "No. You can't expect me to say it's okay and leave it at that. You're the reason I ran away from BloodClan, you fucking idiot. You do not deserve to know Princess. She isn't insensitive, rude, or a selfish snob. You don't deserve to know Scourge either. You know Scourge doesn't love either of us, right?" He asked.

Clay looked taken aback, "I suppose that is true." He nodded and looked at the black and white tomcat.

Bone kept a cold face on, "Perhaps you should just leave, I don't want to talk to you. You made me feel like I ment nothing. It would be best of you left BloodClan all together. Don't talk to anyone I know again, especially not Scourge." He snarled and turned away from Clay.

Clay looked away and padded back to BloodClan's alleyway. Scourge walked in soon after, "Did you really say that I didn't love you?" He asked, sounding upset as he dropped the food and moss filled with water.

Bone gazed at Scourge and his throat felt like it closed up, he peered away quickly. He heard Scourge whisk his tail on the ground, "Seriously, Bone. You will always be my dearest friend. I am extremely fond of you." He murmured and picked up the moss and mouse and set it in front of Bone.

Bone hid the hurt from his eyes and lapped at the moss. He didn't feel hungry. Scourge rubbed Bone's back with his tail, "You know you have to eat, right?" He giggled softly, "You're growing very thin." He sat beside Bone and set his head on Bone's back, purring gingerly.

Bone wanted to tell Scourge how he felt but said nothing. He only nodded and nibbled on the mouse. He soon had forced down the mouse. He cleaned his whiskers and mouth before glancing at Scourge. He realized that the tiny black tomcat had fallen asleep, curled up beside Bone. Bone untucked his paws. The small tomcat forced his head under Bone's paws and snuggled closer.

Scourge had a subtle smile on his face as Bone gently wrapped his forearm around him.

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