Chapter Seventeen

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Bone and Scourge shot up, rushing to the noise. There was Panther with Clover under her paws. The she-cat snarled and Charcoal was completely terrified. "Panther, let the kit go." Scourge demanded. Panther looked at the black tomcat, "Why should I? He was walking on our territory!" She sneered.

Bone rolled his eyes, "He is a part of BloodClan now. Maybe as Scourge before deciding it is a good idea to scare two innocent kits!" He exclaimed.

Panther huffed and took her paw away from Clover. Clover and Charcoal quickly hid behind Bone and Scourge. "Where did you find these two kits anyways?" Night asked, cocking his head to the side.

Scourge shook his head, "We didn't. Tigerstar found them and gave them to us. Bone and I will probably have to announce this so there are no more instances where this happens." He said. Bone nodded in agreement.

"Please do. That was horrifying." Clover squeaked, looking traumatized. Scourge glanced at the dusky brown kit, "You'll have to get used to it. But not until you're larger, not saying that you may be my size. But I bet you two will be average." He said and shrugged. Bone nodded, "Probably." He and Scourge walked back to where they were, Clover and Charcoal close behind them.

Charcoal spoke, "Are we going to fight other cats? Because the name is BloodClan." She stated.

Bone nodded, "You will at some point." He said and sat down at the end of the alleyway with Scourge.

Scourge tucked his paws under himself as he lay down, "Do you two have any questions?" He asked.

Clover blinked. Charcoal nodded, "Why do you wear that collar with dog teeth?" She asked, flicking her slick tail.

Scourge blinked, "I wear it because it makes me look cooler and makes cats fear me more despite my size. I despise wearing it." He admitted.

Charcoal blinked, "Reasonable." She shrugged."Good thing you're so small otherwise you would be looking down all the time like I do." Bone teased his mate.

Scourge huffed, "Stupid ass." He mewed. Bone only purred in return, "But you love me anyways!"

Clover lay down beside Scourge, "Are you two in love?"  He asked, clearly being more childish and innocent than his sister. Bone perked up and looked at Clover, Scourge turned to the kit as well, "Yes. We are but don't tell any cat." Bone said.

Scourge nodded, "Yeah. They would probably kill us, literally." He snorted. Clover rested his head on his paws. Night padded over, "Bone, do you want to come with Brick and I to patrol?" He asked.

Bone blinked, "Oh um, sure. I'll see you later, Scourge, Clover, and Charcoal." He got up and walked away with Night.

Scourge's tail - tip twitched, "You two can sleep if you would like." He had never felt so soft. Clover yawned, "Yeah." He curled up close beside Scourge. Charcoal lay beside Clover.

Charcoal quickly fell asleep. Scourge sighed, stretching slightly. Clover looked at him, "Who was the t-terrifying cat who brought me here?" He asked.

Scourge glanced at the dusky brown tomkit, "Tigerstar. He is the leader of ShadowClan." He murmured, "He can't hurt you if you think he will." He shook his head.

Clover nodded, "Thanks, Scourge." He said, falling asleep very soon after. Scourge sighed, putting his head on his paws and waiting for Bone to come back.

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