Chapter Twenty-Three

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Bone's pelt prickled with intimidation as he, Clover, Charcoal, and Scourge darted across the monsterpath. Clover's green eyes were round with fear and be took a glance at the Thunderpath.

Scourge only nudged Clover on as they slipped behind the two-leg places. They saw a big pale brown tabby she-cat with narrow orange eyes. Her lips drew back into a snarl as she looked at the cats, her ears pinned back.

Clover puffed out his chest. Bone huffed, "We're here, stupid rat." He looked like he had no romantic interest in the she-cat at all. Scourge glared at her through narrowed eyes, "Your name." He approached her, unflinching as the tabby thrusted her muzzle in his face, "My name is mind your own business." She spat in the BloodClan leader's face.

Charcoal sat down. Bone's fur bristled, "Give him your name. Now. We know what you told that kit." His eyes were slitted as he kept his eyes completely on the striped molly.

The tabby looked at Bone, scoffing, "Fine. My name is Bright." She mewed. Scourge suppressed a snort. Bright whipped her head around to look at Scourge, "What's funny?" She asked, the corners of her lips falling downwards and her eyebrows tilting into an angry expression.

Scourge shrugged, "Nothing, just you thinking that Bone will fall for some mess of a cat like you is laugh worthy." He replied. Smugness and sourness filled his voice, a smirk appeared on his face.

Bone watched silentlt. This is why he loved Scourge so damn much. He wasn't excessively prideful unless it came to a cat just asking to get the hell beat out of them. Scourge didn't care about his size because he knew he had skills in fighting.

Bright stared at the almost solid black tomcat, "Bullshit!" She hissed.

Scourge laughed a bit, "He's gay. Go ahead and ask him, you big pussy." He purred, his muzzle pointing towards the deputy.

Bright growled, "I can change that, you idiotic tom!" She unsheathed her claws and stalked away.

Scourge laughed, "What an ego maniac she is." He meowed and walked back over to Bone. Bone purred, "That's one of the reasons why I love you. You're only smug when some cat is being a bitch." He touched noses with Scourge for a second.

Clover spoke, "JUST FUCK ALREADY OR GO BACK TO HORNY JAIL!" He exclaimed, slapping two sticks together.

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