Chapter Twenty-Two

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Scourge watched the kits rush into  the alleyway, Charcoal chasing Clover with an angry expression on her face.

Bone perked up, "What are you two doing?" He asked, his green irises following the two kits.

Charcoal halted, "That moron decided it was a good idea to challenge the second biggest warrior in BloodClan with his ego the size of the tall pines in ShadowClan!" She huffed, flicking her tail.

Clover paused as well, "Not my fault that big cat is a phyco that said she wanted to kill Scourge and replace him as Bone's mate!" He shouted.

Bone's confused expression quickly changed to the most enraged frown Scourge has ever seen him wear. Bone quickly masked it up, letting out a deep sigh through his nostrils, he didn't want to scare the kits. He still had narrowed eyes but the kits probably wouldn't understand it.

Scourge sighed, "Who said that? And how did she know about Bone and I?" He asked. Charcoal and Clover shrugged, sitting side by side, "She didn't smell like BloodClan though. She smelled more like marigold and fish." Charcoal said.

Bone was silent for a moment, glancing at his mate's thoughtful look. Clover had a shiver go down his spine, "Scourge, I really don't want you to die. I don't want you to die either Bone." He muttered.

Scourge looked amused, "Don't worry, we have a whole clan to protect me. They treat us like a king most of the time." He snorted, tucking his forepaws under himself.

Clover let out a relieved sigh, "That's assuring." He said. Charcoal nodded in agreement. Clover then looked anxious, "But I said that I would bring you both with me." He stared at one of brick walls.

Scourge sighed, "At what time?" He asked. Bone wouldn't get mad at the kits for saying that sense they were innocent kits, "Also, we are going to be fighting, not you." He stated.

Charcoal was the one to answer, "Sunset." She glanced at the sky, "We have to leave soon to meet her in the forest behind the twoleg houses across the way." She meowed.

Scourge let out a deep huff, "Next time, Clover, don't challenge fully grown cats." He huffed. "We should get going now." He stated and he and Bone got up.

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